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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/languages/english/admin/ -> config_profile_fields.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['custom_profile_fields'] = "Custom Profile Fields";
   9  $l['custom_profile_fields_desc'] = "This section allows you to edit, delete, and manage your custom profile fields.";
  10  $l['add_profile_field'] = "Add Profile Field";
  11  $l['add_new_profile_field'] = "Add New Profile Field";
  12  $l['add_new_profile_field_desc'] = "Here you can add a new custom profile field.";
  13  $l['edit_profile_field'] = "Edit Profile Field";
  14  $l['edit_profile_field_desc'] = "Here you can edit a custom profile field.";
  16  $l['title'] = "Title";
  17  $l['short_description'] = "Short Description";
  18  $l['maximum_length'] = "Maximum Length";
  19  $l['maximum_length_desc'] = "This maximum number of characters that can be entered. This only applies to text boxes and text areas.";
  20  $l['field_length'] = "Field Length";
  21  $l['field_length_desc'] = "This length of the field. This only applies to single and multiple select boxes.";
  22  $l['display_order'] = "Display Order";
  23  $l['display_order_desc'] = "This is the order of custom profile fields in relation to other custom profile fields. This number should not be the same as another field.";
  24  $l['text'] = "Textbox";
  25  $l['textarea'] = "Textarea";
  26  $l['select'] = "Select Box";
  27  $l['multiselect'] = "Multiple Option Selection Box";
  28  $l['radio'] = "Radio Buttons";
  29  $l['checkbox'] = "Check Boxes";
  30  $l['field_type'] = "Field Type";
  31  $l['field_type_desc'] = "This is the field type that will be shown.";
  32  $l['field_regex'] = "Regular Expression";
  33  $l['field_regex_desc'] = "Enter a regular expression that should be matched from the user input. You must make sure the regular expression is valid and safeā€”no validation is performed. Empty for anything.<br />
  34  <strong>Example:</strong> ([a-z0-9_\- ,.+]+)";
  35  $l['selectable_options'] = "Selectable Options?";
  36  $l['selectable_options_desc'] = "Please enter each option on a separate line. This only applies to the select boxes, check boxes, and radio buttons types.";
  37  $l['required'] = "Required?";
  38  $l['required_desc'] = "Is this field required to be filled in during registration or profile editing? Note that this does not apply if the field is hidden or the field is not editable.";
  39  $l['show_on_registration'] = "Show on Registration?";
  40  $l['show_on_registration_desc'] = "Should this field appear on the registration form? Note that this does not apply if the field is not editable. Fields that are required will always appear on registration.";
  41  $l['display_on_profile'] = "Display on profile?";
  42  $l['display_on_profile_desc'] = "Should this field be displayed on the user's profile?";
  43  $l['display_on_postbit'] = "Display on postbit?";
  44  $l['display_on_postbit_desc'] = "Should this field be displayed on the user's posts?";
  45  $l['viewableby'] = 'Viewable By';
  46  $l['viewableby_desc'] = 'Select the allowed groups to view this profile field.';
  47  $l['editableby'] = 'Editable By';
  48  $l['editableby_desc'] = 'Select the allowed groups to edit this profile field.';
  49  $l['min_posts_enabled'] = "Minimum post count?";
  50  $l['min_posts_enabled_desc'] = "Should this field only be available to users with a certain post count? If so, set the minimum amount of posts required here.";
  51  $l['parser_options'] = "Parser Options";
  52  $l['parse_allowhtml'] = "Yes, allow HTML in this profile field.";
  53  $l['parse_allowmycode'] = "Yes, allow MyCode in this profile field.";
  54  $l['parse_allowsmilies'] = "Yes, allow smilies in this profile field.";
  55  $l['parse_allowimgcode'] = "Yes, allow [img] code in this profile field.";
  56  $l['parse_allowvideocode'] = "Yes, allow [video] code in this profile field.";
  57  $l['save_profile_field'] = "Save Profile Field";
  58  $l['name'] = "Name";
  59  $l['registration'] = "Registration?";
  60  $l['editable'] = "Editable?";
  61  $l['profile'] = "Profile?";
  62  $l['postbit'] = "Postbit?";
  63  $l['edit_field'] = "Edit Field";
  64  $l['delete_field'] = "Delete Field";
  65  $l['no_profile_fields'] = "There are no custom profile fields on your forum at this time.";
  67  $l['error_missing_name'] = "You did not enter a title for this custom profile field";
  68  $l['error_missing_description'] = "You did not enter a description for this custom profile field";
  69  $l['error_invalid_fid'] = "The selected profile field does not exist.";
  71  $l['success_profile_field_added'] = "The custom profile field has been created successfully.";
  72  $l['success_profile_field_saved'] = "The custom profile field has been saved successfully.";
  73  $l['success_profile_field_deleted'] = "The selected custom profile field has been deleted successfully.";
  75  $l['confirm_profile_field_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile field?";

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