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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/languages/english/admin/ -> tools_backupdb.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   9  $l['database_backups'] = "Database Backups";
  10  $l['database_backups_desc'] = "Here you find a listing of the database backups that are currently stored on your web server in the MyBB Backups directory.";
  11  $l['new_database_backup'] = "New Database Backup";
  12  $l['new_backup'] = "New Backup";
  13  $l['new_backup_desc'] = "Here you can backup a copy of your database.";
  14  $l['backups'] = "Backups";
  15  $l['existing_database_backups'] = "Existing Database Backups";
  17  $l['backup_saved_to'] = "The backup was saved to:";
  18  $l['download'] = "Download";
  19  $l['table_selection'] = "Table Selection";
  20  $l['backup_options'] = "Backup Options";
  21  $l['table_select_desc'] = "You may select the database tables you wish to perform this action on here. Hold down CTRL to select multiple tables.";
  22  $l['select_all'] = "Select All";
  23  $l['deselect_all'] = "Deselect All";
  24  $l['select_forum_tables'] = "Select Forum Tables";
  25  $l['file_type'] = "File Type";
  26  $l['file_type_desc'] = "Select the file type you would like the database backup saved as.";
  27  $l['gzip_compressed'] = "GZIP Compressed";
  28  $l['plain_text'] = "Plain Text";
  29  $l['save_method'] = "Save Method";
  30  $l['save_method_desc'] = "Select the method you would like to use to save the backup.";
  31  $l['backup_directory'] = "Backup Directory";
  32  $l['backup_contents'] = "Backup Contents";
  33  $l['backup_contents_desc'] = "Select the information that you would like included in the backup.";
  34  $l['structure_and_data'] = "Structure and Data";
  35  $l['structure_only'] = "Structure Only";
  36  $l['data_only'] = "Data only";
  37  $l['analyze_and_optimize'] = "Analyze and Optimize Selected Tables";
  38  $l['analyze_and_optimize_desc'] = "Would you like the selected tables to be analyzed and optimized during the backup?";
  39  $l['perform_backup'] = "Perform Backup";
  40  $l['backup_filename'] = "Backup Filename";
  41  $l['file_size'] = "File Size";
  42  $l['creation_date'] = "Creation Date";
  43  $l['no_backups'] = "There are currently no backups made yet.";
  45  $l['error_file_not_specified'] = "You did not specify a database backup to download.";
  46  $l['error_invalid_backup'] = "The back up file you selected is either invalid or does not exist.";
  47  $l['error_backup_doesnt_exist'] = "The specified backup does not exist";
  48  $l['error_backup_not_deleted'] = "The backup has not been deleted.";
  49  $l['error_tables_not_selected'] = "You did not select any tables to backup.";
  50  $l['error_no_zlib'] = "The zlib library for PHP is not enabled - you cannot create GZIP compressed backups.";
  52  $l['alert_not_writable'] = "Your backups directory (within the Admin CP directory) is not writable. You cannot save backups on the server.";
  54  $l['confirm_backup_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this backup?";
  56  $l['success_backup_deleted'] = "The backup has been deleted successfully.";
  57  $l['success_backup_created'] = "The backup has been created successfully.";

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