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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/ -> class_parser.php (summary)

MyBB 1.8 Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

File Size: 2072 lines (55 kb)
Included or required: 56 times
Referenced: 1 time
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

postParser:: (52 methods):

Class: postParser  - X-Ref

parse_message($message, $options=array()   X-Ref
Parses a message with the specified options.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed.
param: array $options Array of yes/no options

parse_html($message)   X-Ref
Converts HTML in a message to their specific entities whilst allowing unicode characters.
return: string The formatted message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed.

cache_mycode()   X-Ref
Generates a cache of MyCode, both standard and custom.

parse_mycode($message, $options=array()   X-Ref
Parses MyCode tags in a specific message with the specified options.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed.
param: array $options Array of options in yes/no format. Options are allow_imgcode.

cache_smilies()   X-Ref
Generates a cache of smilies

parse_smilies($message, $allow_html=0)   X-Ref
Parses smilie code in the specified message.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message $message The message being parsed.
param: int $allow_html not used

cache_badwords()   X-Ref
Generates a cache of badwords filters.

parse_badwords($message, $options=array()   X-Ref
Parses a list of filtered/badwords in the specified message.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed.
param: array $options Array of parser options in yes/no format.

generate_regex($bad_word = "")   X-Ref
Generates REGEX patterns based on user defined badword string.
return: string The regex pattern to match the word or null on error.
param: string $badword The word defined to replace.

parse_cdata($message)   X-Ref
Resolves nested CDATA tags in the specified message.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed.

fix_javascript($message)   X-Ref
Attempts to move any javascript references in the specified message.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string The message to be parsed.

mycode_handle_size($size, $text)   X-Ref
Handles fontsize.
return: string The parsed text.
param: int $size The original size.
param: string $text The text within a size tag.

mycode_handle_size_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Handles fontsize.
return: string The parsed text.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_quotes($message, $text_only=false)   X-Ref
Parses quote MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed
param: boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?

mycode_parse_post_quotes($message, $username, $text_only=false)   X-Ref
Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed
param: string $username The username to be parsed
param: boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?

mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback1($matches)   X-Ref
Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline.
return: string The parsed message.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback2($matches)   X-Ref
Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline.
return: string The parsed message.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_code($code, $text_only=false)   X-Ref
Parses code MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $code The message to be parsed
param: boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?

mycode_parse_code_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses code MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_php($str, $bare_return = false, $text_only = false)   X-Ref
Parses PHP code MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $str The message to be parsed
param: boolean $bare_return Whether or not it should return it as pre-wrapped in a div or not.
param: boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?

mycode_parse_php_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses PHP code MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_url($url, $name="")   X-Ref
Parses URL MyCode.
return: string The built-up link.
param: string $url The URL to link to.
param: string $name The name of the link.

mycode_parse_font_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses font MyCode.
return: string The HTML <span> tag with styled font.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_url_callback1($matches)   X-Ref
Parses URL MyCode.
return: string The built-up link.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_url_callback2($matches)   X-Ref
Parses URL MyCode.
return: string The built-up link.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img($url, $dimensions=array()   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode.
return: string
param: string $url The URL to the image
param: array $dimensions Optional array of dimensions
param: string $align

mycode_parse_img_callback1($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_callback2($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_callback3($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_callback4($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_disabled($url)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
return: string
param: string $url The URL to the image

mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback1($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback2($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback3($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback4($matches)   X-Ref
Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
return: string Image code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_email($email, $name="")   X-Ref
Parses email MyCode.
return: string The built-up email link.
param: string $email The email address to link to.
param: string $name The name for the link.

mycode_parse_email_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses email MyCode.
return: string The built-up email link.
param: array $matches Matches

mycode_parse_video($video, $url)   X-Ref
Parses video MyCode.
return: string The built-up video code.
param: string $video The video provider.
param: string $url The video to link to.

mycode_parse_video_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses video MyCode.
return: string The built-up video code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_parse_video_disabled($url)   X-Ref
Parses video MyCode disabled.
return: string
param: string $url The URL to the video

mycode_parse_video_disabled_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses video MyCode disabled.
return: string The built-up video code.
param: array $matches Matches.

mycode_auto_url($message)   X-Ref
Parses URLs automatically.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed

mycode_auto_url_callback($matches=array()   X-Ref
Parses URLs automatically.
return: string The parsed message.
param: array $matches Matches

mycode_parse_list($message, $type="")   X-Ref
Parses list MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed
param: string $type The list type

mycode_parse_list_callback($matches)   X-Ref
Parses list MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: array $matches Matches

mycode_prepare_list($matches)   X-Ref
Prepares list MyCode by finding the matching list tags.
return: string Temporary replacements.
param: array $matches Matches

strip_smilies($message)   X-Ref
Strips smilies from a string
return: string The message with smilies stripped
param: string $message The message for smilies to be stripped from

highlight_message($message, $highlight)   X-Ref
Highlights a string
return: string The message with highlight bbcodes
param: string $message The message to be highligted
param: string $highlight The highlight keywords

text_parse_message($message, $options=array()   X-Ref
Parses message to plain text equivalents of MyCode.
return: string The parsed message.
param: string $message The message to be parsed
param: array $options

encode_url($url)   X-Ref
Replaces certain characters with their entities in a URL.
return: string The escaped URL.
param: string $url The URL to be escaped.

output_allowed($source, $output)   X-Ref
Determines whether the resulting HTML syntax is acceptable for output,
according to the parser's validation policy and HTML support.

return: bool
param: string $source The original MyCode.
param: string $output The output HTML code.

validate_output($source, $output)   X-Ref
Validate HTML syntax and pass errors to the error handler.
return: bool
param: string $source The original MyCode.
param: string $output The output HTML code.

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