$settings) { if(is_int($key)) $connections['read'][] = $settings; } } // Specified both read & write servers else { $connections = $config; } } if(isset($config['encoding'])) { $this->db_encoding = $config['encoding']; } // Actually connect to the specified servers foreach(array('read', 'write') as $type) { if(!isset($connections[$type]) || !is_array($connections[$type])) { break; } if(array_key_exists('hostname', $connections[$type])) { $details = $connections[$type]; unset($connections[$type]); $connections[$type][] = $details; } // Shuffle the connections shuffle($connections[$type]); // Loop-de-loop foreach($connections[$type] as $single_connection) { $connect_function = "pg_connect"; if(isset($single_connection['pconnect'])) { $connect_function = "pg_pconnect"; } $link = $type."_link"; get_execution_time(); $this->connect_string = "dbname={$single_connection['database']} user={$single_connection['username']}"; if(strpos($single_connection['hostname'], ':') !== false) { list($single_connection['hostname'], $single_connection['port']) = explode(':', $single_connection['hostname']); } else { $single_connection['port'] = null; } if($single_connection['port']) { $this->connect_string .= " port={$single_connection['port']}"; } if($single_connection['hostname'] != "") { $this->connect_string .= " host={$single_connection['hostname']}"; } if($single_connection['password']) { $this->connect_string .= " password={$single_connection['password']}"; } $this->$link = @$connect_function($this->connect_string); $time_spent = get_execution_time(); $this->query_time += $time_spent; // Successful connection? break down brother! if($this->$link) { $this->connections[] = "[".strtoupper($type)."] {$single_connection['username']}@{$single_connection['hostname']} (Connected in ".format_time_duration($time_spent).")"; break; } else { $this->connections[] = "[FAILED] [".strtoupper($type)."] {$single_connection['username']}@{$single_connection['hostname']}"; } } } // No write server was specified (simple connection or just multiple servers) - mirror write link if(!array_key_exists('write', $connections)) { $this->write_link = &$this->read_link; } // Have no read connection? if(!$this->read_link) { $this->error("[READ] Unable to connect to PgSQL server"); return false; } // No write? else if(!$this->write_link) { $this->error("[WRITE] Unable to connect to PgSQL server"); return false; } $this->current_link = &$this->read_link; return $this->read_link; } /** * Query the database. * * @param string $string The query SQL. * @param boolean|int $hide_errors 1 if hide errors, 0 if not. * @param integer $write_query 1 if executes on slave database, 0 if not. * @return resource The query data. */ function query($string, $hide_errors=0, $write_query=0) { global $mybb; $string = preg_replace("#LIMIT (\s*)([0-9]+),(\s*)([0-9]+);?$#im", "LIMIT $4 OFFSET $2", trim($string)); $this->last_query = $string; get_execution_time(); if(strtolower(substr(ltrim($string), 0, 5)) == 'alter') { $string = preg_replace("#\sAFTER\s([a-z_]+?)(;*?)$#i", "", $string); if(strstr($string, 'CHANGE') !== false) { $string = str_replace(' CHANGE ', ' ALTER ', $string); } } if($write_query && $this->write_link) { while(pg_connection_busy($this->write_link)); $this->current_link = &$this->write_link; pg_send_query($this->current_link, $string); $query = pg_get_result($this->current_link); } else { while(pg_connection_busy($this->read_link)); $this->current_link = &$this->read_link; pg_send_query($this->current_link, $string); $query = pg_get_result($this->current_link); } if((pg_result_error($query) && !$hide_errors)) { $this->error($string, $query); exit; } $query_time = get_execution_time(); $this->query_time += $query_time; $this->query_count++; $this->last_result = $query; if($mybb->debug_mode) { $this->explain_query($string, $query_time); } return $query; } /** * Execute a write query on the slave database * * @param string $query The query SQL. * @param boolean|int $hide_errors 1 if hide errors, 0 if not. * @return resource The query data. */ function write_query($query, $hide_errors=0) { return $this->query($query, $hide_errors, 1); } /** * Explain a query on the database. * * @param string $string The query SQL. * @param string $qtime The time it took to perform the query. */ function explain_query($string, $qtime) { if(preg_match("#^\s*select#i", $string)) { $query = pg_query($this->current_link, "EXPLAIN $string"); $this->explain .= "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n"; while($table = pg_fetch_assoc($query)) { $this->explain .= "\n". "\n". "\n"; } $this->explain .= "\n". "\n". "\n". "
#".$this->query_count." - Select Query
".$table['QUERY PLAN']."
Query Time: ".format_time_duration($qtime)."
\n". "
\n"; } else { $this->explain .= "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "
#".$this->query_count." - Write Query
Query Time: ".format_time_duration($qtime)."
\n". "
\n"; } $this->querylist[$this->query_count]['query'] = $string; $this->querylist[$this->query_count]['time'] = $qtime; } /** * Return a result array for a query. * * @param resource $query The query ID. * @param int $resulttype The type of array to return. Either PGSQL_NUM, PGSQL_BOTH or PGSQL_ASSOC * @return array The array of results. Note that all fields are returned as string: http://php.net/manual/en/function.pg-fetch-array.php */ function fetch_array($query, $resulttype=PGSQL_ASSOC) { switch($resulttype) { case PGSQL_NUM: case PGSQL_BOTH: break; default: $resulttype = PGSQL_ASSOC; break; } $array = pg_fetch_array($query, NULL, $resulttype); return $array; } /** * Return a specific field from a query. * * @param resource $query The query ID. * @param string $field The name of the field to return. * @param int|bool The number of the row to fetch it from. * @return string|bool|null As per http://php.net/manual/en/function.pg-fetch-result.php */ function fetch_field($query, $field, $row=false) { if($row === false) { $array = $this->fetch_array($query); if($array !== null && $array !== false) { return $array[$field]; } return null; } return pg_fetch_result($query, $row, $field); } /** * Moves internal row pointer to the next row * * @param resource $query The query ID. * @param int $row The pointer to move the row to. * @return bool */ function data_seek($query, $row) { return pg_result_seek($query, $row); } /** * Return the number of rows resulting from a query. * * @param resource $query The query ID. * @return int The number of rows in the result. */ function num_rows($query) { return pg_num_rows($query); } /** * Return the last id number of inserted data. * * @return int The id number. */ function insert_id() { preg_match('#INSERT\s+INTO\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)#i', $this->last_query, $matches); $table = $matches[1]; $query = $this->query("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage WHERE table_name = '{$table}' and constraint_name = '{$table}_pkey' LIMIT 1"); $field = $this->fetch_field($query, 'column_name'); // Do we not have a primary field? if(!$field) { return 0; } $id = $this->write_query("SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('{$table}', '{$field}')) AS last_value"); return $this->fetch_field($id, 'last_value'); } /** * Close the connection with the DBMS. * */ function close() { @pg_close($this->read_link); if($this->write_link) { @pg_close($this->write_link); } } /** * Return an error number. * * @param resource $query * @return int The error number of the current error. */ function error_number($query=null) { if($query != null || !function_exists("pg_result_error_field")) { return 0; } return pg_result_error_field($query, PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE); } /** * Return an error string. * * @param resource $query * @return string The explanation for the current error. */ function error_string($query=null) { if($query != null) { return pg_result_error($query); } if($this->current_link) { return pg_last_error($this->current_link); } else { return pg_last_error(); } } /** * Output a database error. * * @param string $string The string to present as an error. * @param resource $query */ function error($string="", $query=null) { if($this->error_reporting) { if(class_exists("errorHandler")) { global $error_handler; if(!is_object($error_handler)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_error.php"; $error_handler = new errorHandler(); } $error = array( "error_no" => $this->error_number($query), "error" => $this->error_string($query), "query" => $string ); $error_handler->error(MYBB_SQL, $error); } else { trigger_error("[SQL] [".$this->error_number()."] ".$this->error_string()."
{$string}", E_USER_ERROR); } } } /** * Returns the number of affected rows in a query. * * @return int The number of affected rows. */ function affected_rows() { return pg_affected_rows($this->last_result); } /** * Return the number of fields. * * @param resource $query The query ID. * @return int The number of fields. */ function num_fields($query) { return pg_num_fields($query); } /** * Lists all tables in the database. * * @param string $database The database name. * @param string $prefix Prefix of the table (optional) * @return array The table list. */ function list_tables($database, $prefix='') { if($prefix) { $query = $this->query("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_name LIKE '".$this->escape_string($prefix)."%'"); } else { $query = $this->query("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public'"); } $tables = array(); while($table = $this->fetch_array($query)) { $tables[] = $table['table_name']; } return $tables; } /** * Check if a table exists in a database. * * @param string $table The table name. * @return boolean True when exists, false if not. */ function table_exists($table) { // Execute on master server to ensure if we've just created a table that we get the correct result $query = $this->write_query("SELECT COUNT(table_name) as table_names FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name='{$this->table_prefix}{$table}'"); $exists = $this->fetch_field($query, 'table_names'); if($exists > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Check if a field exists in a database. * * @param string $field The field name. * @param string $table The table name. * @return boolean True when exists, false if not. */ function field_exists($field, $table) { $query = $this->write_query("SELECT COUNT(column_name) as column_names FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' AND column_name='{$field}'"); $exists = $this->fetch_field($query, "column_names"); if($exists > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Add a shutdown query. * * @param resource $query The query data. * @param string $name An optional name for the query. */ function shutdown_query($query, $name="") { global $shutdown_queries; if($name) { $shutdown_queries[$name] = $query; } else { $shutdown_queries[] = $query; } } /** * Performs a simple select query. * * @param string $table The table name to be queried. * @param string $fields Comma delimetered list of fields to be selected. * @param string $conditions SQL formatted list of conditions to be matched. * @param array $options List of options: group by, order by, order direction, limit, limit start. * @return resource The query data. */ function simple_select($table, $fields="*", $conditions="", $options=array()) { $query = "SELECT ".$fields." FROM ".$this->table_prefix.$table; if($conditions != "") { $query .= " WHERE ".$conditions; } if(isset($options['group_by'])) { $query .= " GROUP BY ".$options['group_by']; } if(isset($options['order_by'])) { $query .= " ORDER BY ".$options['order_by']; if(isset($options['order_dir'])) { $query .= " ".my_strtoupper($options['order_dir']); } } if(isset($options['limit_start']) && isset($options['limit'])) { $query .= " LIMIT ".$options['limit_start'].", ".$options['limit']; } else if(isset($options['limit'])) { $query .= " LIMIT ".$options['limit']; } return $this->query($query); } /** * Build an insert query from an array. * * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on. * @param array $array An array of fields and their values. * @param boolean $insert_id Whether or not to return an insert id. True by default * @return int|bool The insert ID if available. False on failure and true if $insert_id is false */ function insert_query($table, $array, $insert_id=true) { global $mybb; if(!is_array($array)) { return false; } foreach($array as $field => $value) { if(isset($mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) && $mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) { $array[$field] = $value; } else { $array[$field] = $this->quote_val($value); } } $fields = implode(",", array_keys($array)); $values = implode(",", $array); $this->write_query(" INSERT INTO {$this->table_prefix}{$table} (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.") "); if($insert_id != false) { return $this->insert_id(); } else { return true; } } /** * Build one query for multiple inserts from a multidimensional array. * * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on. * @param array $array An array of inserts. * @return void */ function insert_query_multiple($table, $array) { global $mybb; if(!is_array($array)) { return; } // Field names $fields = array_keys($array[0]); $fields = implode(",", $fields); $insert_rows = array(); foreach($array as $values) { foreach($values as $field => $value) { if(isset($mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) && $mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) { $values[$field] = $value; } else { $values[$field] = $this->quote_val($value); } } $insert_rows[] = "(".implode(",", $values).")"; } $insert_rows = implode(", ", $insert_rows); $this->write_query(" INSERT INTO {$this->table_prefix}{$table} ({$fields}) VALUES {$insert_rows} "); } /** * Build an update query from an array. * * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on. * @param array $array An array of fields and their values. * @param string $where An optional where clause for the query. * @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query. * @param boolean $no_quote An option to quote incoming values of the array. * @return resource The query data. */ function update_query($table, $array, $where="", $limit="", $no_quote=false) { global $mybb; if(!is_array($array)) { return false; } $comma = ""; $query = ""; $quote = "'"; if($no_quote == true) { $quote = ""; } foreach($array as $field => $value) { if(isset($mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) && $mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) { $query .= $comma.$field."={$value}"; } else { $quoted_value = $this->quote_val($value, $quote); $query .= $comma.$field."={$quoted_value}"; } $comma = ', '; } if(!empty($where)) { $query .= " WHERE $where"; } return $this->write_query(" UPDATE {$this->table_prefix}$table SET $query "); } /** * @param int|string $value * @param string $quote * * @return int|string */ private function quote_val($value, $quote="'") { if(is_int($value)) { $quoted = $value; } else { $quoted = $quote . $value . $quote; } return $quoted; } /** * Build a delete query. * * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on. * @param string $where An optional where clause for the query. * @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query. * @return resource The query data. */ function delete_query($table, $where="", $limit="") { $query = ""; if(!empty($where)) { $query .= " WHERE $where"; } return $this->write_query(" DELETE FROM {$this->table_prefix}$table $query "); } /** * Escape a string according to the pg escape format. * * @param string $string The string to be escaped. * @return string The escaped string. */ function escape_string($string) { if(function_exists("pg_escape_string")) { $string = pg_escape_string($this->read_link, $string); } else { $string = addslashes($string); } return $string; } /** * Frees the resources of a PgSQL query. * * @param resource $query The query to destroy. * @return boolean Returns true on success, false on failure */ function free_result($query) { return pg_free_result($query); } /** * Escape a string used within a like command. * * @param string $string The string to be escaped. * @return string The escaped string. */ function escape_string_like($string) { return $this->escape_string(str_replace(array('\\', '%', '_') , array('\\\\', '\\%' , '\\_') , $string)); } /** * Gets the current version of PgSQL. * * @return string Version of PgSQL. */ function get_version() { if($this->version) { return $this->version; } $version = pg_version($this->current_link); $this->version = $version['server']; return $this->version; } /** * Optimizes a specific table. * * @param string $table The name of the table to be optimized. */ function optimize_table($table) { $this->write_query("VACUUM ".$this->table_prefix.$table.""); } /** * Analyzes a specific table. * * @param string $table The name of the table to be analyzed. */ function analyze_table($table) { $this->write_query("ANALYZE ".$this->table_prefix.$table.""); } /** * Show the "create table" command for a specific table. * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @return string The pg command to create the specified table. */ function show_create_table($table) { $query = $this->write_query(" SELECT a.attnum, a.attname as field, t.typname as type, a.attlen as length, a.atttypmod as lengthvar, a.attnotnull as notnull FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid = c.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON (a.atttypid = t.oid) WHERE c.relname = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum "); $lines = array(); $table_lines = "CREATE TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} (\n"; while($row = $this->fetch_array($query)) { // Get the data from the table $query2 = $this->write_query(" SELECT pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) as rowdefault FROM pg_attrdef d LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON (c.oid = d.adrelid) WHERE c.relname = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' AND d.adnum = '{$row['attnum']}' "); if(!$query2) { unset($row['rowdefault']); } else { $row['rowdefault'] = $this->fetch_field($query2, 'rowdefault'); } if($row['type'] == 'bpchar') { // Stored in the engine as bpchar, but in the CREATE TABLE statement it's char $row['type'] = 'char'; } $line = " {$row['field']} {$row['type']}"; if(strpos($row['type'], 'char') !== false) { if($row['lengthvar'] > 0) { $line .= '('.($row['lengthvar'] - 4).')'; } } if(strpos($row['type'], 'numeric') !== false) { $line .= '('.sprintf("%s,%s", (($row['lengthvar'] >> 16) & 0xffff), (($row['lengthvar'] - 4) & 0xffff)).')'; } if(!empty($row['rowdefault'])) { $line .= " DEFAULT {$row['rowdefault']}"; } if($row['notnull'] == 't') { $line .= ' NOT NULL'; } $lines[] = $line; } // Get the listing of primary keys. $query = $this->write_query(" SELECT ic.relname as index_name, bc.relname as tab_name, ta.attname as column_name, i.indisunique as unique_key, i.indisprimary as primary_key FROM pg_class bc LEFT JOIN pg_index i ON (bc.oid = i.indrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_class ic ON (ic.oid = i.indexrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_attribute ia ON (ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_attribute ta ON (ta.attrelid = bc.oid AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1]) WHERE bc.relname = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' ORDER BY index_name, tab_name, column_name "); $primary_key = array(); $primary_key_name = ''; $unique_keys = array(); // We do this in two steps. It makes placing the comma easier while($row = $this->fetch_array($query)) { if($row['primary_key'] == 't') { $primary_key[] = $row['column_name']; $primary_key_name = $row['index_name']; } if($row['unique_key'] == 't') { $unique_keys[$row['index_name']][] = $row['column_name']; } } if(!empty($primary_key)) { $lines[] = " CONSTRAINT $primary_key_name PRIMARY KEY (".implode(', ', $primary_key).")"; } foreach($unique_keys as $key_name => $key_columns) { $lines[] = " CONSTRAINT $key_name UNIQUE (".implode(', ', $key_columns).")"; } $table_lines .= implode(", \n", $lines); $table_lines .= "\n)\n"; return $table_lines; } /** * Show the "show fields from" command for a specific table. * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @return array Field info for that table */ function show_fields_from($table) { $query = $this->write_query("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage WHERE table_name = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' and constraint_name = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}_pkey' LIMIT 1"); $primary_key = $this->fetch_field($query, 'column_name'); $query = $this->write_query(" SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_precision_radix, numeric_scale FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' "); $field_info = array(); while($field = $this->fetch_array($query)) { if($field['column_name'] == $primary_key) { $field['_key'] = 'PRI'; } else { $field['_key'] = ''; } if(stripos($field['column_default'], 'nextval') !== false) { $field['_extra'] = 'auto_increment'; } else { $field['_extra'] = ''; } // bit, character, text fields. if(!is_null($field['character_maximum_length'])) { $field['data_type'] .= '('.(int)$field['character_maximum_length'].')'; } // numeric/decimal fields. else if($field['numeric_precision_radix'] == 10 && !is_null($field['numeric_precision']) && !is_null($field['numeric_scale'])) { $field['data_type'] .= '('.(int)$field['numeric_precision'].','.(int)$field['numeric_scale'].')'; } $field_info[] = array( 'Field' => $field['column_name'], 'Type' => $field['data_type'], 'Null' => $field['is_nullable'], 'Key' => $field['_key'], 'Default' => $field['column_default'], 'Extra' => $field['_extra'], ); } return $field_info; } /** * Returns whether or not the table contains a fulltext index. * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @param string $index Optionally specify the name of the index. * @return boolean True or false if the table has a fulltext index or not. */ function is_fulltext($table, $index="") { return false; } /** * Returns whether or not this database engine supports fulltext indexing. * * @param string $table The table to be checked. * @return boolean True or false if supported or not. */ function supports_fulltext($table) { return false; } /** * Returns whether or not this database engine supports boolean fulltext matching. * * @param string $table The table to be checked. * @return boolean True or false if supported or not. */ function supports_fulltext_boolean($table) { return false; } /** * Creates a fulltext index on the specified column in the specified table with optional index name. * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @param string $column Name of the column to be indexed. * @param string $name The index name, optional. * @return bool */ function create_fulltext_index($table, $column, $name="") { return false; } /** * Drop an index with the specified name from the specified table * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @param string $name The name of the index. */ function drop_index($table, $name) { $this->write_query(" ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}$table DROP INDEX $name "); } /** * Checks to see if an index exists on a specified table * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @param string $index The name of the index. * @return bool Returns whether index exists */ function index_exists($table, $index) { $err = $this->error_reporting; $this->error_reporting = 0; $query = $this->write_query("SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='".$this->escape_string($this->table_prefix.$table)."'"); $exists = $this->fetch_field($query, $index); $this->error_reporting = $err; if($exists) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Drop an table with the specified table * * @param string $table The name of the table. * @param boolean $hard hard drop - no checking * @param boolean $table_prefix use table prefix */ function drop_table($table, $hard=false, $table_prefix=true) { if($table_prefix == false) { $table_prefix = ""; } else { $table_prefix = $this->table_prefix; } $table_prefix_bak = $this->table_prefix; $this->table_prefix = ''; $fields = array_column($this->show_fields_from($table_prefix.$table), 'Field'); if($hard == false) { if($this->table_exists($table_prefix.$table)) { $this->write_query('DROP TABLE '.$table_prefix.$table); } } else { $this->write_query('DROP TABLE '.$table_prefix.$table); } $this->table_prefix = $table_prefix_bak; if(!empty($fields)) { foreach($fields as &$field) { $field = "{$table_prefix}{$table}_{$field}_seq"; } unset($field); if(version_compare($this->get_version(), '8.2.0', '>=')) { $fields = implode(', ', $fields); $this->write_query("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS {$fields}"); } else { $fields = "'".implode("', '", $fields)."'"; $query = $this->query("SELECT sequence_name as field FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name in ({$fields}) AND sequence_schema = 'public'"); while($row = $this->fetch_array($query)) { $this->write_query("DROP SEQUENCE {$row['field']}"); } } } } /** * Renames a table * * @param string $old_table The old table name * @param string $new_table the new table name * @param boolean $table_prefix use table prefix * @return resource */ function rename_table($old_table, $new_table, $table_prefix=true) { if($table_prefix == false) { $table_prefix = ""; } else { $table_prefix = $this->table_prefix; } return $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$table_prefix}{$old_table} RENAME TO {$table_prefix}{$new_table}"); } /** * Replace contents of table with values * * @param string $table The table * @param array $replacements The replacements * @param string|array $default_field The default field(s) * @param boolean $insert_id Whether or not to return an insert id. True by default * @return int|resource|bool Returns either the insert id (if a new row is inserted and $insert_id is true), a boolean (if $insert_id is wrong) or the query resource (if a row is updated) */ function replace_query($table, $replacements=array(), $default_field="", $insert_id=true) { global $mybb; if($default_field == "") { $query = $this->write_query("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage WHERE table_name = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}' and constraint_name = '{$this->table_prefix}{$table}_pkey' LIMIT 1"); $main_field = $this->fetch_field($query, 'column_name'); } else { $main_field = $default_field; } $update = false; $search_bit = array(); if(!is_array($main_field)) { $main_field = array($main_field); } foreach($main_field as $field) { if(isset($mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) && $mybb->binary_fields[$table][$field]) { $search_bit[] = "{$field} = ".$replacements[$field]; } else { $search_bit[] = "{$field} = ".$this->quote_val($replacements[$field]); } } $search_bit = implode(" AND ", $search_bit); $query = $this->write_query("SELECT COUNT(".$main_field[0].") as count FROM {$this->table_prefix}{$table} WHERE {$search_bit} LIMIT 1"); if($this->fetch_field($query, "count") == 1) { $update = true; } if($update === true) { return $this->update_query($table, $replacements, $search_bit); } else { return $this->insert_query($table, $replacements, $insert_id); } } /** * @param string $table * @param string $append * * @return string */ function build_fields_string($table, $append="") { $fields = $this->show_fields_from($table); $comma = $fieldstring = ''; foreach($fields as $key => $field) { $fieldstring .= $comma.$append.$field['Field']; $comma = ','; } return $fieldstring; } /** * Drops a column * * @param string $table The table * @param string $column The column name * @return resource */ function drop_column($table, $column) { return $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} DROP {$column}"); } /** * Adds a column * * @param string $table The table * @param string $column The column name * @param string $definition the new column definition * @return resource */ function add_column($table, $column, $definition) { return $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} ADD {$column} {$definition}"); } /** * Modifies a column * * @param string $table The table * @param string $column The column name * @param string $new_definition the new column definition * @param boolean|string $new_not_null Whether to "drop" or "set" the NOT NULL attribute (no change if false) * @param boolean|string $new_default_value The new default value, or false to drop the attribute * @return bool Returns true if all queries are executed successfully or false if one of them failed */ function modify_column($table, $column, $new_definition, $new_not_null=false, $new_default_value=false) { $result1 = $result2 = $result3 = true; if($new_definition !== false) { $result1 = $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} ALTER COLUMN {$column} TYPE {$new_definition}"); } if($new_not_null !== false) { $set_drop = "DROP"; if(strtolower($new_not_null) == "set") { $set_drop = "SET"; } $result2 = $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} ALTER COLUMN {$column} {$set_drop} NOT NULL"); } if($new_default_value !== null) { if($new_default_value !== false) { $result3 = $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} ALTER COLUMN {$column} SET DEFAULT {$new_default_value}"); } else { $result3 = $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} ALTER COLUMN {$column} DROP DEFAULT"); } } return $result1 && $result2 && $result3; } /** * Renames a column * * @param string $table The table * @param string $old_column The old column name * @param string $new_column the new column name * @param string $new_definition the new column definition * @param boolean|string $new_not_null Whether to "drop" or "set" the NOT NULL attribute (no change if false) * @param boolean|string $new_default_value The new default value, or false to drop the attribute * @return bool Returns true if all queries are executed successfully */ function rename_column($table, $old_column, $new_column, $new_definition, $new_not_null=false, $new_default_value=false) { $result1 = $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} RENAME COLUMN {$old_column} TO {$new_column}"); $result2 = $this->modify_column($table, $new_column, $new_definition, $new_not_null, $new_default_value); return ($result1 && $result2); } /** * Sets the table prefix used by the simple select, insert, update and delete functions * * @param string $prefix The new table prefix */ function set_table_prefix($prefix) { $this->table_prefix = $prefix; } /** * Fetched the total size of all mysql tables or a specific table * * @param string $table The table (optional) * @return integer the total size of all mysql tables or a specific table */ function fetch_size($table='') { if($table != '') { $query = $this->query("SELECT reltuples, relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '".$this->table_prefix.$table."'"); } else { $query = $this->query("SELECT reltuples, relpages FROM pg_class"); } $total = 0; while($table = $this->fetch_array($query)) { $total += $table['relpages']+$table['reltuples']; } return $total; } /** * Fetch a list of database character sets this DBMS supports * * @return array|bool Array of supported character sets with array key being the name, array value being display name. False if unsupported */ function fetch_db_charsets() { return false; } /** * Fetch a database collation for a particular database character set * * @param string $charset The database character set * @return string|bool The matching database collation, false if unsupported */ function fetch_charset_collation($charset) { return false; } /** * Fetch a character set/collation string for use with CREATE TABLE statements. Uses current DB encoding * * @return string The built string, empty if unsupported */ function build_create_table_collation() { return ''; } /** * Time how long it takes for a particular piece of code to run. Place calls above & below the block of code. * * @deprecated */ function get_execution_time() { return get_execution_time(); } /** * Binary database fields require special attention. * * @param string $string Binary value * @return string Encoded binary value */ function escape_binary($string) { return "'".pg_escape_bytea($this->read_link, $string)."'"; } /** * Unescape binary data. * * @param string $string Binary value * @return string Encoded binary value */ function unescape_binary($string) { // hex format if(substr($string, 0, 2) == '\x') { return pack('H*', substr($string, 2)); } // escape format else { return pg_unescape_bytea($string); } } }