usergroup['issupermod'] == 0 && ($user_permissions['issupermod'] == 1 || $user_permissions['cancp'] == 1)) { return false; } // Current user is a super mod or is an administrator else if($user_permissions['cancp'] == 1 && ($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 || (is_super_admin($uid) && !is_super_admin($mybb->user['uid'])))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Fetch forums the moderator can manage announcements to * * @param int $pid (Optional) The parent forum ID * @param int $depth (Optional) The depth from parent forum the moderator can manage to */ function fetch_forum_announcements($pid=0, $depth=1) { global $mybb, $db, $lang, $theme, $announcements, $templates, $announcements_forum, $moderated_forums, $unviewableforums, $parser; static $forums_by_parent, $forum_cache, $parent_forums; if(!is_array($forum_cache)) { $forum_cache = cache_forums(); } if(!is_array($parent_forums) && $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] != 1) { // Get a list of parentforums to show for normal moderators $parent_forums = array(); foreach($moderated_forums as $mfid) { $parent_forums = array_merge($parent_forums, explode(',', $forum_cache[$mfid]['parentlist'])); } } if(!is_array($forums_by_parent)) { foreach($forum_cache as $forum) { $forums_by_parent[$forum['pid']][$forum['disporder']][$forum['fid']] = $forum; } } if(!is_array($forums_by_parent[$pid])) { return; } foreach($forums_by_parent[$pid] as $children) { foreach($children as $forum) { if($forum['linkto'] || (is_array($unviewableforums) && in_array($forum['fid'], $unviewableforums))) { continue; } if($forum['active'] == 0 || !is_moderator($forum['fid'], "canmanageannouncements")) { // Check if this forum is a parent of a moderated forum if(is_array($parent_forums) && in_array($forum['fid'], $parent_forums)) { // A child is moderated, so print out this forum's title. RECURSE! $trow = alt_trow(); eval("\$announcements_forum .= \"".$templates->get("modcp_announcements_forum_nomod")."\";"); } else { // No subforum is moderated by this mod, so safely continue continue; } } else { // This forum is moderated by the user, so print out the forum's title, and its announcements $trow = alt_trow(); $padding = 40*($depth-1); eval("\$announcements_forum .= \"".$templates->get("modcp_announcements_forum")."\";"); if(isset($announcements[$forum['fid']])) { foreach($announcements[$forum['fid']] as $aid => $announcement) { $trow = alt_trow(); if($announcement['enddate'] < TIME_NOW && $announcement['enddate'] != 0) { eval("\$icon = \"".$templates->get("modcp_announcements_announcement_expired")."\";"); } else { eval("\$icon = \"".$templates->get("modcp_announcements_announcement_active")."\";"); } $subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($announcement['subject'])); eval("\$announcements_forum .= \"".$templates->get("modcp_announcements_announcement")."\";"); } } } // Build the list for any sub forums of this forum if(isset($forums_by_parent[$forum['fid']])) { fetch_forum_announcements($forum['fid'], $depth+1); } } } } /** * Send reported content to moderators * * @param array $report Array of reported content * @param string $report_type Type of content being reported * @return bool|array PM Information or false */ function send_report($report, $report_type='post') { global $db, $lang, $forum, $mybb, $post, $thread, $reputation, $user, $plugins; $report_reason = ''; if($report['reasonid']) { $query = $db->simple_select("reportreasons", "title", "rid = '".(int)$report['reasonid']."'", array('limit' => 1)); $reason = $db->fetch_array($query); $lang->load('report'); $report_reason = $lang->parse($reason['title']); } if($report['reason']) { $report_reason = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_report_comment_extra, $report_reason, $report['reason']); } $modsjoin = $modswhere = ''; if(!empty($forum['parentlist'])) { $modswhere = "m.fid IN ({$forum['parentlist']}) OR "; if($db->type == 'pgsql' || $db->type == 'sqlite') { $modsjoin = "LEFT JOIN {$db->table_prefix}moderators m ON ( = u.uid AND m.isgroup = 0) OR (( = u.usergroup OR ',' || u.additionalgroups || ',' LIKE '%,' || || ',%') AND m.isgroup = 1)"; } else { $modsjoin = "LEFT JOIN {$db->table_prefix}moderators m ON ( = u.uid AND m.isgroup = 0) OR (( = u.usergroup OR CONCAT(',', u.additionalgroups, ',') LIKE CONCAT('%,',, ',%')) AND m.isgroup = 1)"; } } switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": case "sqlite": $query = $db->query(" SELECT DISTINCT u.username,, u.receivepms, u.uid FROM {$db->table_prefix}users u {$modsjoin} LEFT JOIN {$db->table_prefix}usergroups g ON (',' || u.additionalgroups || ',' LIKE '%,' || g.gid || ',%' OR g.gid = u.usergroup) WHERE {$modswhere}g.cancp = 1 OR g.issupermod = 1 "); break; default: $query = $db->query(" SELECT DISTINCT u.username,, u.receivepms, u.uid FROM {$db->table_prefix}users u {$modsjoin} LEFT JOIN {$db->table_prefix}usergroups g ON (CONCAT(',', u.additionalgroups, ',') LIKE CONCAT('%,', g.gid, ',%') OR g.gid = u.usergroup) WHERE {$modswhere}g.cancp = 1 OR g.issupermod = 1 "); } $lang_string_subject = "emailsubject_report{$report_type}"; $lang_string_message = "email_report{$report_type}"; if(empty($lang->$lang_string_subject) || empty($lang->$lang_string_message)) { return false; } global $send_report_subject, $send_report_url; switch($report_type) { case 'post': $send_report_subject = $post['subject']; $send_report_url = str_replace('&', '&', get_post_link($post['pid'], $thread['tid'])."#pid".$post['pid']); break; case 'profile': $send_report_subject = $user['username']; $send_report_url = str_replace('&', '&', get_profile_link($user['uid'])); break; case 'reputation': $from_user = get_user($reputation['adduid']); $send_report_subject = $from_user['username']; $send_report_url = "reputation.php?uid={$reputation['uid']}#rid{$reputation['rid']}"; break; } $plugins->run_hooks("send_report_report_type"); $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($lang->$lang_string_subject, $mybb->settings['bbname']); $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($lang->$lang_string_message, $mybb->user['username'], $mybb->settings['bbname'], $send_report_subject, $mybb->settings['bburl'], $send_report_url, $report_reason); $pm_recipients = array(); while($mod = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($mybb->settings['reportmethod'] == "pms" && $mod['receivepms'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['enablepms'] != 0) { $pm_recipients[] = $mod['uid']; } else { my_mail($mod['email'], $emailsubject, $emailmessage); } } if(count($pm_recipients) > 0) { require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/pm.php"; $pmhandler = new PMDataHandler(); $pm = array( "subject" => $emailsubject, "message" => $emailmessage, "icon" => 0, "fromid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "toid" => $pm_recipients, "ipaddress" => $mybb->session->packedip ); $pm['options'] = array( "signature" => 0, "disablesmilies" => 0, "savecopy" => 0, "readreceipt" => 0 ); $pm['saveasdraft'] = 0; $pmhandler->admin_override = true; $pmhandler->set_data($pm); // Now let the pm handler do all the hard work. if(!$pmhandler->validate_pm()) { // Force it to valid to just get it out of here $pmhandler->is_validated = true; $pmhandler->errors = array(); } $pminfo = $pmhandler->insert_pm(); return $pminfo; } return false; } /** * Add a report * * @param array $report Array of reported content * @param string $type Type of content being reported * @return int Report ID */ function add_report($report, $type = 'post') { global $cache, $db, $mybb; $insert_array = array( 'id' => (int)$report['id'], 'id2' => (int)$report['id2'], 'id3' => (int)$report['id3'], 'uid' => (int)$report['uid'], 'reportstatus' => 0, 'reasonid' => (int)$report['reasonid'], 'reason' => $db->escape_string($report['reason']), 'type' => $db->escape_string($type), 'reports' => 1, 'dateline' => TIME_NOW, 'lastreport' => TIME_NOW, 'reporters' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize(array($report['uid']))) ); if($mybb->settings['reportmethod'] == "email" || $mybb->settings['reportmethod'] == "pms") { send_report($report, $type); } $rid = $db->insert_query("reportedcontent", $insert_array); $cache->update_reportedcontent(); return $rid; } /** * Update an existing report * * @param array $report Array of reported content * @return bool true */ function update_report($report) { global $db; $update_array = array( 'reports' => ++$report['reports'], 'lastreport' => TIME_NOW, 'reporters' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($report['reporters'])) ); $db->update_query("reportedcontent", $update_array, "rid = '{$report['rid']}'"); return true; }