See a list here)"; $l['maximum_file_size'] = "Maximum File Size (Kilobytes)"; $l['maximum_file_size_desc'] = "The maximum file size for uploads of this attachment type in Kilobytes (1 MB = 1024 KB)"; $l['limit_intro'] = "Please ensure the maximum file size is below the smallest of the following PHP limits:"; $l['limit_post_max_size'] = "Max Post Size: {1}"; $l['limit_upload_max_filesize'] = "Upload Max File Size: {1}"; $l['attachment_icon'] = "Attachment Icon"; $l['attachment_icon_desc'] = "If you wish to show a small attachment icon for attachments of this type then enter the path to it here. {theme} will be replaced by the image directory for the viewers theme allowing you to specify per-theme attachment icons."; $l['save_attachment_type'] = "Save Attachment Type"; $l['error_invalid_attachment_type'] = "You have selected an invalid attachment type."; $l['error_missing_mime_type'] = "You did not enter a MIME type for this attachment type"; $l['error_missing_extension'] = "You did not enter a file extension for this attachment type"; $l['success_attachment_type_created'] = "The attachment type has been created successfully."; $l['success_attachment_type_updated'] = "The attachment type has been updated successfully."; $l['success_attachment_type_deleted'] = "The attachment type has been deleted successfully."; $l['confirm_attachment_type_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this attachment type?"; $l['success_activated_attachment_type'] = 'The selected attachment type has been activated successfully.'; $l['success_deactivated_attachment_type'] = 'The selected attachment type has been deactivated successfully.'; $l['enabled'] = "Enabled?"; $l['forcedownload'] = "Force Download"; $l['forcedownload_desc'] = "Enabling this will always force the attachment to be downloaded as a file."; $l['avatar_file'] = 'Avatar File'; $l['avatar_file_desc'] = 'Do you want to allow this attachment type to be used for avatars?'; $l['available_to_groups'] = 'Available to groups'; $l['available_in_forums'] = 'Available in forums';