{theme} to represent the image directory of each theme."; $l['order'] = "Order"; $l['display_order'] = "Display Order"; $l['display_order_desc'] = "The order on the smilies list that this will appear. This number should not be the same as another smilie's."; $l['mass_edit_show_clickable'] = "Show on Clickable?"; $l['show_clickable'] = "Show on clickable list?"; $l['show_clickable_desc'] = "Do you want this smilie to show on the clickable smilie list on the post editor?"; $l['include'] = "Add?"; $l['path_to_images'] = "Path to Images"; $l['path_to_images_desc'] = "This is the path to the folder that the images are in."; $l['smilie_delete'] = "Delete?"; $l['save_smilie'] = "Save Smilie"; $l['save_smilies'] = "Save Smilies"; $l['show_smilies'] = "Show Smilies"; $l['reset'] = "Reset"; $l['error_missing_name'] = "You did not enter a name for this smilie."; $l['error_missing_text_replacement'] = "You did not enter a text replacement for this smilie."; $l['error_missing_path'] = "You did not enter a path for this smilie."; $l['error_missing_path_multiple'] = "You did not enter a path."; $l['error_missing_order'] = "You did not enter a display order for this smilie."; $l['error_duplicate_order'] = "You did not enter a valid display order for this smilie."; $l['error_missing_clickable'] = "You did not specify yes or no for the \"Show Clickable\" option."; $l['error_no_smilies'] = "There are no smilies in the specified directory, or all smilies in the directory have already been added."; $l['error_no_images'] = "There are no images in the specified directory."; $l['error_none_included'] = "You did not select any smilies to include."; $l['error_invalid_path'] = "You did not enter a valid path."; $l['error_invalid_smilie'] = "The specified smilie does not exist."; $l['success_smilie_added'] = "The smilie has been added successfully."; $l['success_multiple_smilies_added'] = "The selected smilies have been added successfully."; $l['success_smilie_updated'] = "The smilie has been updated successfully."; $l['success_multiple_smilies_updated'] = "The smilies have been updated successfully."; $l['success_smilie_deleted'] = "The selected smilie has been deleted successfully."; $l['success_mass_edit_updated'] = "The smilies have been updated successfully."; $l['confirm_smilie_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this smilie?";