Recount & Rebuild tools."; $l['success_moderator_deleted'] = "The selected moderator has been deleted successfully.
Please remember that this hasn't changed this user's group permission, they may still have moderation powers."; $l['success_forum_permissions_updated'] = "The forum permissions have been updated successfully."; $l['success_forum_updated'] = "The forum settings have been updated successfully."; $l['success_moderator_updated'] = "The selected moderator has been updated successfully."; $l['success_custom_permission_cleared'] = "The custom permissions for this forum have been cleared successfully."; $l['error_invalid_forum'] = "Please select a valid forum."; $l['error_invalid_moderator'] = "Please select a valid moderator to delete."; $l['error_invalid_fid'] = "Invalid Forum ID selected."; $l['error_forum_parent_child'] = "You can't set the parent forum of this forum to one of it's children."; $l['error_forum_parent_itself'] = "The forum parent cannot be the forum itself."; $l['error_incorrect_moderator'] = "Please select a valid moderator."; $l['confirm_moderator_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to remove this moderator from this forum?"; $l['confirm_forum_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this forum?"; $l['confirm_clear_custom_permission'] = "Are you sure you wish to clear this custom permission?"; $l['forum_type'] = "Forum Type"; $l['forum_type_desc'] = "Select the type of forum you are creating - a forum you can post in, or a category, which contains other forums."; $l['category'] = "Category"; $l['title'] = "Title"; $l['description'] = "Description"; $l['save_forum'] = "Save Forum"; $l['parent_forum'] = "Parent Forum"; $l['parent_forum_desc'] = "The Forum that contains this forum. Categories do not have a parent forum - in this case, select 'None' - however, categories can be specified to have a parent forum."; $l['none'] = "None"; $l['display_order'] = "Display Order"; $l['show_additional_options'] = "Show Additional Options"; $l['hide_additional_options'] = "Hide Additional Options"; $l['additional_forum_options'] = "Additional Forum Options"; $l['forum_link'] = "Forum Link"; $l['forum_link_desc'] = "To make a forum redirect to another location, enter the URL to the destination you wish to redirect to. Entering a URL in this field will remove the forum functionality; however, permissions can still be set for it."; $l['forum_password'] = "Forum Password"; $l['forum_password_desc'] = "To protect this forum further, you can choose a password that must be entered for access. Note: User groups still need permissions to access this forum."; $l['access_options'] = "Access Options"; $l['forum_is_active'] = "Forum is Active?"; $l['forum_is_active_desc'] = "If unselected, this forum will not be shown to users and will not \"exist\"."; $l['forum_is_open'] = "Forum is Open?"; $l['forum_is_open_desc'] = "If unselected, users will not be able to post in this forum regardless of permissions."; $l['copy_to_new_forum'] = "Copy to new forum"; $l['source_forum'] = "Source forum"; $l['source_forum_desc'] = "Forum to copy settings and/or permissions from."; $l['destination_forum'] = "Destination forum"; $l['destination_forum_desc'] = "Forum to copy settings and/or permissions to."; $l['new_forum_settings'] = "New Forum Settings"; $l['copy_settings_and_properties'] = "Copy Forum Settings and Properties"; $l['copy_settings_and_properties_desc'] = "Only applies if the destination forum exists."; $l['copy_user_group_permissions'] = "Copy User Group Permissions"; $l['copy_user_group_permissions_desc'] = "Use CTRL to select multiple groups."; $l['override_user_style'] = "Yes, override the user's selected style for this forum"; $l['style_options'] = "Style Options"; $l['forum_specific_style'] = "Forum-Specific Style:"; $l['use_default'] = "Use Default"; $l['dont_display_rules'] = "Don't display rules for this forum"; $l['display_rules_inline'] = "Display rules for this forum on the thread listing"; $l['display_rules_inline_new'] = "Display rules in the thread listing and for new threads/replies"; $l['display_rules_link'] = "Display a link to the rules for this forum"; $l['display_method'] = "Display Method:"; $l['rules'] = "Rules:"; $l['forum_rules'] = "Forum Rules"; $l['name'] = "Name"; $l['username'] = "Username"; $l['moderator_username_desc'] = "Username of the moderator to be added"; $l['add_user_as_moderator'] = "Add a user as Moderator"; $l['usergroup'] = "Usergroup"; $l['add_usergroup_as_moderator'] = "Add a usergroup as Moderators"; $l['moderator_usergroup_desc'] = "Select a usergroup to add as a Moderator from the list below."; $l['add_usergroup_moderator'] = "Add Usergroup Moderator"; $l['add_user_moderator'] = "Add User Moderator"; $l['default_view_options'] = "Default View Options"; $l['default_date_cut'] = "Default Date Cut:"; $l['default_sort_by'] = "Default Sort By:"; $l['default_sort_order'] = "Default Sort Order:"; $l['board_default'] = "Board Default"; $l['datelimit_1day'] = "Last day"; $l['datelimit_5days'] = "Last 5 days"; $l['datelimit_10days'] = "Last 10 days"; $l['datelimit_20days'] = "Last 20 days"; $l['datelimit_50days'] = "Last 50 days"; $l['datelimit_75days'] = "Last 75 days"; $l['datelimit_100days'] = "Last 100 days"; $l['datelimit_lastyear'] = "Last year"; $l['datelimit_beginning'] = "The beginning"; $l['sort_by_subject'] = "Thread subject"; $l['sort_by_lastpost'] = "Last post time"; $l['sort_by_starter'] = "Thread starter"; $l['sort_by_started'] = "Thread creation time"; $l['sort_by_rating'] = "Thread rating"; $l['sort_by_replies'] = "Number of replies"; $l['sort_by_views'] = "Number of views"; $l['sort_order_asc'] = "Ascending"; $l['sort_order_desc'] = "Descending"; $l['misc_options'] = "Miscellaneous Options"; $l['allow_html'] = "Yes, allow HTML in posts"; $l['allow_mycode'] = "Yes, allow MyCode in posts"; $l['allow_smilies'] = "Yes, allow smilies in posts"; $l['allow_img_code'] = "Yes, allow [img] code in posts (requires MyCode to be turned on)"; $l['allow_video_code'] = "Yes, allow [video] code in posts (requires MyCode to be turned on)"; $l['allow_post_icons'] = "Yes, allow post icons to be chosen for posts"; $l['allow_thread_ratings'] = "Yes, allow threads to be rated"; $l['show_forum_jump'] = "Yes, show this forum in the 'forum jump' menu"; $l['use_postcounts'] = "Yes, posts in this forum should count towards user post counts"; $l['use_threadcounts'] = "Yes, threads in this forum should count towards user thread counts"; $l['require_thread_prefix'] = "Yes, require a thread prefix for all threads"; $l['use_permissions'] = "Use Permissions"; $l['use_permissions_desc'] = "Select the permissions you would like to use for this user group - inherited permissions (will delete custom permissions) or custom permissions."; $l['inherit_permissions'] = "Use user group permissions or inherit permissions from parent forums"; $l['custom_permissions'] = "Use custom permissions (below)"; $l['custom_permissions_for'] = "Custom Permissions for"; $l['inherited_permission'] = "inherited"; $l['custom_permission'] = "custom"; $l['save_permissions'] = "Save Forum Permissions"; $l['error_missing_title'] = "You must enter in a title."; $l['error_no_parent'] = "You must select a parent forum."; $l['error_not_empty'] = "Forums with threads cannot be converted to categories."; $l['error_forum_link_not_empty'] = "Forums with threads cannot be redirected to another webpage."; $l['success_forum_added'] = "The forum has been created successfully."; $l['success_moderator_added'] = "The moderator has been added to this forum successfully."; $l['success_forum_permissions_saved'] = "The forum permissions have been saved successfully."; $l['success_forum_copied'] = "The selected forum has been copied successfully."; $l['error_moderator_already_added'] = "The selected user/group is already a moderator of this forum."; $l['error_moderator_not_found'] = "The specified username/group was not found."; $l['error_new_forum_needs_name'] = "You need to give your new forum a name."; $l['error_invalid_source_forum'] = "Invalid source forum."; $l['error_invalid_destination_forum'] = "Invalid destination forum."; $l['group_viewing'] = "Viewing"; $l['group_posting_rating'] = "Posting / Rating"; $l['group_editing'] = "Editing"; $l['group_moderate'] = "Moderation"; $l['group_polls'] = "Polls"; $l['group_misc'] = "Miscellaneous"; $l['viewing_field_canview'] = "Can view forum?"; $l['viewing_field_canviewthreads'] = "Can view threads within forum?"; $l['viewing_field_canonlyviewownthreads'] = "Can only view own threads?"; $l['viewing_field_candlattachments'] = "Can download attachments?"; $l['posting_rating_field_canpostthreads'] = "Can post threads?"; $l['posting_rating_field_canpostreplys'] = "Can post replies?"; $l['posting_rating_field_canonlyreplyownthreads'] = "Can only reply to own threads?"; $l['posting_rating_field_canpostattachments'] = "Can post attachments?"; $l['posting_rating_field_canratethreads'] = "Can rate threads?"; $l['editing_field_caneditposts'] = "Can edit own posts?"; $l['editing_field_candeleteposts'] = "Can delete own posts?"; $l['editing_field_candeletethreads'] = "Can delete own threads?"; $l['editing_field_caneditattachments'] = "Can update own attachments?"; $l['editing_field_canviewdeletionnotice'] = "Can view deletion notices?"; $l['moderate_field_modposts'] = "Moderate new posts?"; $l['moderate_field_modthreads'] = "Moderate new threads?"; $l['moderate_field_modattachments'] = "Moderate new attachments?"; $l['moderate_field_mod_edit_posts'] = "Moderate posts after they've been edited?"; $l['polls_field_canpostpolls'] = "Can post polls?"; $l['polls_field_canvotepolls'] = "Can vote in polls?"; $l['misc_field_cansearch'] = "Can search forum?"; $l['confirm_proceed_deletion'] = "Click \"Proceed\" to continue the deletion of the forum."; $l['automatically_redirecting'] = "Automatically Redirecting…";