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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/languages/english/admin/ -> home_dashboard.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['dashboard'] = "Dashboard";
   9  $l['dashboard_description'] = "This section allows you to see some of the various statistics relating to your board. You may also add other notes for other administrators to see.";
  11  $l['mybb_server_stats'] = "MyBB and Server Statistics";
  12  $l['forum_stats'] = "Forum Statistics";
  13  $l['mybb_version'] = "MyBB Version";
  14  $l['threads'] = "Threads";
  15  $l['new_today'] = "New Today";
  16  $l['unapproved'] = "Unapproved";
  17  $l['php_version'] = "PHP Version";
  18  $l['posts'] = "Posts";
  19  $l['sql_engine'] = "SQL Engine";
  20  $l['users'] = "Users";
  21  $l['registered_users'] = "Registered Users";
  22  $l['active_users'] = "Active Users";
  23  $l['registrations_today'] = "Registrations Today";
  24  $l['awaiting_activation'] = "Awaiting Activation";
  25  $l['server_load'] = "Server Load";
  26  $l['attachments'] = "Attachments";
  27  $l['used'] = "Used";
  28  $l['reported_posts'] = "Reported Posts";
  29  $l['unread_reports'] = "Unread Reports";
  31  $l['version_check'] = "Check for Updates";
  32  $l['last_update_check_two_weeks'] = "Your last <a href=\"{1}\">MyBB version check</a> was more than two weeks ago.";
  33  $l['new_version_available'] = "You are currently running {1} whilst the latest generally available release is {2}.";
  34  $l['version_check_description'] = "Here you can check that you are currently running the latest copy of MyBB and see the latest announcements directly from MyBB.";
  35  $l['latest_mybb_announcements'] = "Latest MyBB Announcements";
  36  $l['no_announcements'] = "No stored announcements. <a href=\"index.php?module=home&amp;action=version_check\">Check for Updates</a>.";
  37  $l['your_version'] = "Your Version";
  38  $l['latest_version'] = "Latest Version";
  39  $l['update_forum'] = "Please upgrade to the latest version of MyBB by visiting the <a href=\"https://mybb.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MyBB Website</a>.";
  40  $l['read_more'] = "Read more";
  42  $l['success_up_to_date'] = "Congratulations, you are running the latest version of MyBB.";
  44  $l['error_out_of_date'] = "Your copy of MyBB is out of date.";
  45  $l['error_communication'] = "There was a problem communicating with the version server. Please try again in a few minutes.";
  46  $l['error_fetch_news'] = "MyBB was unable to successfully fetch the latest announcements from the MyBB website.";
  48  $l['news_description'] = "The latest news from the <a href=\"https://blog.mybb.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MyBB Blog</a>.";
  50  $l['admin_notes_public'] = "These notes are public to all administrators.";
  51  $l['admin_notes'] = "Administrator Notes";
  52  $l['save_notes'] = "Save Notes";
  54  $l['success_notes_updated'] = "The administrator notes have been successfully updated.";

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