{1}'"; $l['search_noresults_title'] = "No templates were found with the title '{1}'"; $l['default_templates'] = "Default Templates"; $l['edit_template_breadcrumb'] = "Edit Template: "; $l['global_templates'] = "Global Templates"; $l['master_templates'] = "Master Templates"; $l['not_used_by_any_themes'] = "Not used by any themes"; $l['used_by'] = "Used by: "; $l['used_by_all_themes'] = "Used by all themes"; $l['expand_templates'] = "Expand Templates"; $l['edit_template_set'] = "Edit Template Set"; $l['delete_template_set'] = "Delete Template Set"; $l['empty_template_set'] = "There are no templates in this set."; $l['inline_edit'] = "Inline Edit"; $l['full_edit'] = "Full Edit"; $l['revert_to_orig'] = "Revert to Original"; $l['delete_template'] = "Delete Template"; $l['edit_in'] = "Edit in"; $l['group_calendar'] = "Calendar"; $l['group_forumdisplay'] = "Forum Display"; $l['group_index'] = "Index Page"; $l['group_error'] = "Error Message"; $l['group_memberlist'] = "Member List"; $l['group_multipage'] = "Multipage Pagination"; $l['group_private'] = "Private Messaging"; $l['group_portal'] = "Portal"; $l['group_postbit'] = "Post Bit"; $l['group_posticons'] = "Post Icon"; $l['group_showthread'] = "Show Thread"; $l['group_usercp'] = "User Control Panel"; $l['group_online'] = "Who's Online"; $l['group_forumbit'] = "Forum Bit"; $l['group_editpost'] = "Edit Post"; $l['group_forumjump'] = "Forum Jump"; $l['group_moderation'] = "Moderation"; $l['group_nav'] = "Navigation"; $l['group_search'] = "Search"; $l['group_showteam'] = "Show Forum Team"; $l['group_reputation'] = "Reputation"; $l['group_newthread'] = "New Thread"; $l['group_newreply'] = "New Reply"; $l['group_member'] = "Member"; $l['group_warning'] = "Warning System"; $l['group_global'] = "Global"; $l['group_header'] = "Header"; $l['group_managegroup'] = "Manage Group"; $l['group_misc'] = "Miscellaneous"; $l['group_modcp'] = "Moderator Control Panel"; $l['group_announcement'] = "Announcement"; $l['group_polls'] = "Poll"; $l['group_post'] = "Post"; $l['group_printthread'] = "Print Thread"; $l['group_report'] = "Report"; $l['group_smilieinsert'] = "Smilie Inserter"; $l['group_stats'] = "Statistics"; $l['group_xmlhttp'] = "XMLHTTP"; $l['group_footer'] = "Footer"; $l['group_video'] = "Video MyCode"; $l['group_sendthread'] = "Send Thread"; $l['group_mycode'] = "MyCode"; $l['expand'] = "Expand"; $l['collapse'] = "Collapse"; $l['save_continue'] = "Save and Continue Editing"; $l['save_close'] = "Save and Return to Listing"; $l['template_name'] = "Template Name"; $l['template_name_desc'] = "Name of the template. If you change this on the default template, it will save the template as a custom template under the new name."; $l['template_set_desc'] = "Which template set should this template be in?"; $l['template_group_prefix'] = "Template Group Prefix"; $l['template_group_prefix_desc'] = "The prefix name to group templates. This must not already exist. For example, to group templates hello_world, hello_foobar and hello_foo, enter hello here."; $l['template_group_title'] = "Template Group Title"; $l['template_group_title_desc'] = "The title of the prefix group. This will be shown in the templates list. For example, for our hello templates, enter Hello here."; $l['edit_template_group'] = "Edit Template Group"; $l['editing_template_group'] = "Editing Template Group {1}"; $l['delete_template_group'] = "Delete Template Group"; $l['save_template_group'] = "Save Template Group"; $l['templates_the_same'] = "The two templates you've selected are both the same and cannot be compared."; $l['master_updated_ins'] = "Changes that have been made between your previous version and this one are highlighted like this."; $l['master_updated_del'] = "Any customizations you've made to your templates (the old ones) are highlighted like this."; $l['template_diff_analysis'] = "Template Difference Analysis"; $l['search_names_header'] = "Searching template names containing \"{1}\""; $l['updated_template_welcome1'] = "Edit - Allows you to edit the current template for this template set to incorporate updates made between the versions."; $l['updated_template_welcome2'] = "Revert - Will revert the customized template back to the master revision, however you'll lose any custom changes you have made."; $l['updated_template_welcome3'] = "Diff - Performs a difference analysis between the templates and shows you exactly what changes have been made between your customized copy and the latest master copy."; $l['no_global_templates'] = "There are currently no global templates."; $l['no_updated_templates'] = "There are currently no templates which have been updated since you last upgraded."; $l['confirm_template_set_deletion'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this template set?"; $l['confirm_template_group_delete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this template group? This action does not remove the templates in the group."; $l['confirm_template_deletion'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this template?"; $l['confirm_template_revertion'] = "Are you sure you want to revert this template?"; $l['error_security_problem'] = "A potential security issue was found in the template. Please review your changes or contact the MyBB Group for support."; $l['error_missing_input'] = "Please make sure you have all the input required to edit this template (tid and sid)"; $l['error_already_exists'] = "The template title is already in use. Please use a different title."; $l['error_invalid_template'] = "Please select a valid template."; $l['error_missing_set_title'] = "Please select a template set title."; $l['error_invalid_input'] = "Please make sure you have the correct template set ID."; $l['error_invalid_set'] = "Please select a valid template set."; $l['error_invalid_template_set'] = "Invalid template set selected."; $l['error_themes_attached_template_set'] = "This template set cannot be deleted as there are themes attached to this template set."; $l['error_missing_group_prefix'] = "Please enter a prefix for the template group."; $l['error_invalid_group_title'] = "As underscores (_) are used as delimiter those are forbidden in template group prefixes. Please select another prefix."; $l['error_missing_group_title'] = "Please enter a title for the template group."; $l['error_duplicate_group_prefix'] = "A template group already exists with this prefix. Please enter another prefix."; $l['error_missing_template_group'] = "The template group could not be found."; $l['error_default_template_group'] = "You cannot edit or remove a default template group."; $l['success_template_saved'] = "The selected template has successfully been saved."; $l['success_template_deleted'] = "The selected template has successfully been deleted."; $l['success_template_reverted'] = "The selected template has successfully been reverted."; $l['success_template_set_saved'] = "The selected template set has successfully been saved."; $l['success_template_set_deleted'] = "The selected template set has successfully been deleted."; $l['success_template_group_saved'] = "The selected template group has successfully been saved."; $l['success_template_group_deleted'] = "The selected template group has successfully been deleted.";