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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.37




/inc/languages/english/admin/ -> tools_spamlog.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   */
   8  $l['spam_logs'] = 'Spam Logs';
   9  $l['spam_logs_desc'] = 'This section allows you to view a history of users blocked by the spam filters.';
  10  $l['prune_spam_logs'] = 'Prune Spam Logs';
  11  $l['prune_spam_logs_desc'] = 'Here you can prune the spam logs matching a specified criteria.';
  12  $l['spam_username'] = 'Username';
  13  $l['spam_email'] = 'Email Address';
  14  $l['spam_ip'] = 'IP Address';
  15  $l['spam_date'] = 'Date';
  16  $l['spam_confidence'] = 'Confidence';
  17  $l['no_spam_logs'] = 'No users have been blocked by the spam filters yet.';
  18  $l['success_pruned_spam_logs'] = 'The spam logs have been pruned successfully.';
  19  $l['note_logs_locked'] = 'For security reasons, logs less than 24 hours old cannot be pruned.';
  20  $l['all_usernames'] = 'All usernames';
  21  $l['all_emails'] = ' All Email Addresses';
  22  $l['date_range'] = "Date range:";
  23  $l['older_than'] = "Older than ";
  24  $l['days'] = "days";
  25  $l['filter_spam_logs'] = 'Filter Spam Logs';
  26  $l['asc'] = "Ascending";
  27  $l['desc'] = "Descending";
  28  $l['search_ip_on_sfs'] = "Search this IP on Stop Forum Spam";
  29  $l['search'] = "Search";
  31  $l['in'] = "in";
  32  $l['order'] = "order";
  33  $l['sort_by'] = "Sort By";
  34  $l['results_per_page'] = "Results Per Page";

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