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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/languages/english/ -> datahandler_user.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['userdata_missing_username'] = 'You did not enter a username. Please enter one.';
   9  $l['userdata_banned_username'] = 'The username you entered may not be registered. Please enter a different username.';
  10  $l['userdata_bad_characters_username'] = 'The username you entered contains bad characters. Please enter a different username.';
  11  $l['userdata_invalid_username_length'] = 'The username you entered is of invalid length. Please enter a username between {1} and {2} characters.';
  12  $l['userdata_invalid_usertitle_length'] = 'The custom user title you entered is of invalid length. Please enter a title no longer than {1} characters.';
  13  $l['userdata_username_exists'] = 'The username you entered already exists. Please enter a different username.';
  15  $l['userdata_invalid_password_length'] = 'The password you entered is of invalid length. Please enter a password between {1} and {2} characters.';
  16  $l['userdata_no_complex_characters'] = 'The password you entered is not complex enough. Please enter a password that is at least {1} characters long, and contains an upper case letter, lower case letter and a number.';
  17  $l['userdata_passwords_dont_match'] = 'The password you entered as confirmation does not match the original one. Please confirm your password correctly.';
  18  $l['userdata_bad_password_security'] = 'The password you entered is similar to either your username or email address. Please enter a stronger password.';
  20  $l['userdata_missing_email'] = 'You did not enter an email address. Please enter one.';
  21  $l['userdata_invalid_email_format'] = 'The email address you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid email address.';
  22  $l['userdata_emails_dont_match'] = 'The email address you entered as confirmation does not match the original one. Please confirm your email address correctly.';
  23  $l['userdata_banned_email'] = "The email address you have entered is currently disallowed from being used. Please enter a different email address.";
  24  $l['userdata_email_already_in_use'] = "You have entered an email address that is already in use by another member. Please enter a different email address.";
  26  $l['userdata_dob_required'] = "You did not select your date of birth. Please select your date of birth to continue - you can hide your birthday and age from other users, however.";
  27  $l['userdata_invalid_website'] = 'The website address you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid website address or leave the field empty.';
  28  $l['userdata_invalid_icq_number'] = 'The ICQ number you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid ICQ number or leave the field empty.';
  29  $l['userdata_invalid_birthday'] = 'The birthday you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid birthday or leave the field empty.';
  30  $l['userdata_invalid_birthday_coppa'] = 'To verify your age, please enter the year you were born. You may hide your Age and Date of Birth in your profile options.';
  31  $l['userdata_invalid_birthday_coppa2'] = 'You must be at least 13 years of age to be a member of this message board. Please contact an Administrator.';
  32  $l['userdata_invalid_birthday_privacy'] = 'Please choose a valid birthday privacy option.';
  33  $l['userdata_conflicted_birthday_privacy'] = 'You must specify your birth year if you choose to display age only as your birthday privacy.';
  34  $l['userdata_invalid_referrer'] = 'The referrer you entered does not exist. Please enter an existing referrer or leave the field empty.';
  35  $l['userdata_invalid_language'] = 'The language you selected does not exist. Please select an existing language.';
  36  $l['userdata_invalid_style'] = 'The style you selected is invalid. Please select a valid style.';
  37  $l['userdata_away_too_long'] = 'The Away Reason you specified is too long. A maximum of 200 characters is allowed for this field. Please remove {1} character(s) from this field.';
  38  $l['userdata_missing_returndate'] = 'The Return Date you specified is missing one or more fields. Please make sure you have filled in the day, month, and year fields.';
  39  $l['userdata_missing_required_profile_field'] = 'You did not enter an option for the "{1}" field. Please fill in or select a value for this field.';
  40  $l['userdata_bad_profile_field_value'] = 'You did not enter a valid value for the "{1}" field. Please enter a valid value before continuing.';
  41  $l['userdata_bad_profile_field_values'] = 'You did not select a valid option for the "{1}" field. Please select a value from the presented choices.';
  42  $l['userdata_max_limit_reached'] = 'You entered an invalid number of characters for the "{1}" field. Please fill in this field with no more than {2} characters.';
  43  $l['userdata_invalid_checkfield'] = "It has been detected that this form has been submitted by a spam bot. If this is in error, please contact the administrator.";
  44  $l['userdata_invalid_postnum'] = "The post count you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid post count, or leave the field empty.";
  45  $l['userdata_invalid_threadnum'] = "The thread count you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid thread count, or leave the field empty.";
  47  $l['userdata_too_many_sig_images'] = "We are sorry, but we cannot update your signature because it contains too many images. Please remove some images from your signature to continue.";
  48  $l['userdata_too_many_sig_images2'] = "<strong>Note:</strong> The maximum amount of images for signatures is {1}.";
  49  $l['userdata_sig_too_long'] = "You cannot update your signature because it is too long. The maximum length for signatures is {1} characters. ";
  50  $l['userdata_sig_remove_chars_plural'] = "Please remove {1} characters and try again.";
  51  $l['userdata_sig_remove_chars_singular'] = "Please remove 1 character and try again.";

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