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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.37




/inc/languages/english/ -> datahandler_warnings.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['warnings_reached_max_warnings_day'] = "You cannot warn anyone as you have reached your limit on the number of warnings you can give out per day.<br /><br />The maximum number of warnings you can give out per day is {1}.";
   9  $l['warnings_error_invalid_user'] = "Selected user doesn't exist.";
  10  $l['warnings_error_invalid_post'] = "Selected post doesn't exist.";
  11  $l['warnings_error_cannot_warn_self'] = "You cannot add to your own warning level.";
  12  $l['warnings_error_user_reached_max_warning'] = "This user cannot be warned as they have already reached the maximum warning level.";
  13  $l['warnings_error_no_note'] = "You did not enter any administrative notes for this warning.";
  14  $l['warnings_error_invalid_type'] = "You have selected an invalid warning type.";
  15  $l['warnings_error_cant_custom_warn'] = "You do not have permission to give custom warnings to users.";
  16  $l['warnings_error_no_custom_reason'] = "You did not enter a reason for your custom warning.";
  17  $l['warnings_error_invalid_custom_points'] = "You did not enter a valid number of points to add to this users warning level. You need to enter a numeric value greater than 0 but not greater than {1}.";
  18  $l['warnings_error_invalid_expires_period'] = "You entered an invalid expiry type.";

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