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Please reset it before continuing."; $l['powered_by'] = "Powered By"; $l['copyright'] = "Copyright"; $l['attach_quota'] = "Your allocated attachment usage quota is {1}."; $l['attach_usage'] = "You are currently using {1}."; $l['view_attachments'] = "[View My Attachments]"; $l['unlimited'] = "Unlimited"; $l['click_hold_edit'] = "(Click and hold to edit)"; $l['guest_count'] = "1 Guest"; $l['guest_count_multiple'] = "{1} Guests"; $l['size_yb'] = "YB"; $l['size_zb'] = "ZB"; $l['size_eb'] = "EB"; $l['size_pb'] = "PB"; $l['size_tb'] = "TB"; $l['size_gb'] = "GB"; $l['size_mb'] = "MB"; $l['size_kb'] = "KB"; $l['size_bytes'] = "bytes"; $l['slaps'] = "slaps"; $l['with_trout'] = "around a bit with a large trout."; $l['mybb_engine'] = "MyBB Engine"; $l['quickdelete_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this post?"; $l['quickrestore_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to restore this post?"; $l['newpm_notice_one'] = "You have one unread private message from {1} titled {4}"; $l['newpm_notice_multiple'] = "You have {1} unread private messages. The most recent is from {2} titled {5}"; $l['deleteevent_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this event?"; $l['removeattach_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to remove the selected attachment from this post?"; $l['latest_threads'] = "Latest Threads"; $l['folder_inbox'] = "Inbox"; $l['folder_unread'] = "Unread"; $l['folder_sent_items'] = "Sent Items"; $l['folder_drafts'] = "Drafts"; $l['folder_trash'] = "Trash Can"; $l['folder_untitled'] = "Untitled Folder"; $l['standard_mod_tools'] = "Standard Tools"; $l['custom_mod_tools'] = "Custom Tools"; $l['error_loadlimit'] = "The maximum server load limit has been reached. Please check back later once the server is less busy."; $l['error_boardclosed'] = "This bulletin board is currently closed. The Administrator has specified the reason as to why below."; $l['error_banned'] = "I'm sorry, but you are banned. You may not post, read threads, or access the forum. Please contact your forum administrator should you have any questions."; $l['error_cannot_upload_php_post'] = "Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button."; $l['error_empty_post_input'] = "There has been an error due to your post data being empty. This could be due to a browser page refresh or direct access to this page. We recommend you press the browser back button and begin again."; $l['error_database_repair'] = "MyBB is automatically repairing a crashed table."; $l['unknown_user_trigger'] = "An unknown error has been triggered."; $l['warnings'] = "The following warnings occurred:"; $l['ajax_loading'] = "Loading.
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This process is used to prevent automated spam bots."; $l['verification_note_hcaptcha'] = "Please tick the checkbox that you see below. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots."; $l['verification_subnote'] = "(case insensitive)"; $l['invalid_nocaptcha_transmit'] = "An error occurred with the human verification by reCAPTCHA. Please try again."; $l['invalid_hcaptcha_transmit'] = "An error occurred with the human verification by hCaptcha. Please try again."; $l['captcha_fetch_failure'] = 'There was an error fetching the new captcha.'; $l['question_fetch_failure'] = 'There was an error fetching the new question.'; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_1200'] = "(GMT -12:00) Howland and Baker Islands"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_1100'] = "(GMT -11:00) Nome, Midway Island"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_1000'] = "(GMT -10:00) Hawaii, Papeete"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_950'] = "(GMT -9:30) Marquesas Islands"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_900'] = "(GMT -9:00) Alaska"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_800'] = "(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_700'] = "(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_600'] = "(GMT -6:00) Central Time, Mexico City"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_500'] = "(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time, Bogota, Lima, Quito"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_450'] = "(GMT -4:30) Caracas"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_400'] = "(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time, La Paz, Halifax"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_350'] = "(GMT -3:30) Newfoundland"; $l['timezone_gmt_minus_300'] = "(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Falkland Is."; 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$l['task_backup_cannot_write_backup'] = "Error: The database backup task cannot write to backups directory."; $l['task_backup_ran'] = "The database backup task successfully ran."; $l['task_checktables_ran'] = "The check tables task successfully ran with no corrupted tables found."; $l['task_checktables_ran_found'] = "Notice: The check tables task successfully ran and repaired the {1} table(s)."; $l['task_dailycleanup_ran'] = "The daily cleanup task successfully ran."; $l['task_hourlycleanup_ran'] = "The hourly cleanup task successfully ran."; $l['task_logcleanup_ran'] = "The log cleanup task successfully ran and pruned any old logs."; $l['task_promotions_ran'] = "The promotions task successfully ran."; $l['task_threadviews_ran'] = "The thread views task successfully ran."; $l['task_usercleanup_ran'] = "The user cleanup task successfully ran."; $l['task_massmail_ran'] = "The mass mail task successfully ran."; $l['task_userpruning_ran'] = "The user pruning task successfully ran."; $l['task_delayedmoderation_ran'] = "The delayed moderation task successfully ran."; $l['task_massmail_ran_errors'] = "One or more problems occurred sending to \"{1}\": {2}"; $l['task_versioncheck_ran'] = "The version check task successfully ran."; $l['task_versioncheck_ran_errors'] = "Could not connect to MyBB for a version check."; $l['task_recachestylesheets_ran'] = 'Re-cached {1} stylesheets.'; $l['task_sendmailqueue_ran'] = 'The send mail queue task sent up to {1} messages.'; $l['dismiss_notice'] = "Dismiss this notice"; $l['next'] = "Next"; $l['previous'] = "Previous"; $l['delete'] = "Delete"; $l['massmail_username'] = "Username"; $l['email_addr'] = "Email Address"; $l['board_name'] = "Board Name"; $l['board_url'] = "Board URL"; $l['comma'] = ", "; $l['debug_generated_in'] = "Generated in {1}"; $l['debug_weight'] = "({1}% PHP / {2}% {3})"; $l['debug_sql_queries'] = "SQL Queries: {1}"; $l['debug_server_load'] = "Server Load: {1}"; $l['debug_memory_usage'] = "Memory Usage: {1}"; $l['debug_advanced_details'] = "Advanced Details"; $l['error_emailflooding_1_second'] = "Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another 1 second before attempting to email again."; $l['error_emailflooding_seconds'] = "Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another {2} seconds before attempting to email again."; $l['error_emailflooding_1_minute'] = "Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another 1 minute before attempting to email again."; $l['error_emailflooding_minutes'] = "Sorry, but you can only send one email every {1} minutes. Please wait another {2} minutes before attempting to email again."; $l['error_invalidfromemail'] = "You did not enter a valid from email address."; $l['error_noname'] = "You did not enter a valid name."; $l['your_email'] = "Your Email:"; $l['email_note'] = "Enter your email address here."; $l['your_name'] = "Your Name:"; $l['name_note'] = "Enter your name here."; $l['january'] = "January"; $l['february'] = "February"; $l['march'] = "March"; $l['april'] = "April"; $l['may'] = "May"; $l['june'] = "June"; $l['july'] = "July"; $l['august'] = "August"; $l['september'] = "September"; $l['october'] = "October"; $l['november'] = "November"; $l['december'] = "December"; $l['moderation_forum_attachments'] = "Please note that new attachments in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible."; $l['moderation_forum_posts'] = "Please note that new posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible."; $l['moderation_user_posts'] = "Please note that new posts you make must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible."; $l['moderation_forum_thread'] = "Please note that new threads in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible."; $l['moderation_forum_edits'] = "Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible."; $l['moderation_forum_edits_quick'] = "Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible."; $l['awaiting_message_link'] = " Go to the ACP."; $l['awaiting_message_single'] = "There is 1 account awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the user."; $l['awaiting_message_plural'] = "There are {1} accounts awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the users."; $l['select2_match'] = "One result is available, press enter to select it."; $l['select2_matches'] = "{1} results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate."; $l['select2_nomatches'] = "No matches found"; $l['select2_inputtooshort_single'] = "Please enter one or more character"; $l['select2_inputtooshort_plural'] = "Please enter {1} or more characters"; $l['select2_inputtoolong_single'] = "Please delete one character"; $l['select2_inputtoolong_plural'] = "Please delete {1} characters"; $l['select2_selectiontoobig_single'] = "You can only select one item"; $l['select2_selectiontoobig_plural'] = "You can only select {1} items"; $l['select2_loadmore'] = "Loading more results…"; $l['select2_searching'] = "Searching…"; $l['stopforumspam_error_decoding'] = 'Error decoding data from StopForumSpam.com.'; $l['stopforumspam_error_retrieving'] = 'Error retrieving data from StopForumSpam.com.'; $l['stopforumspam_invalid_email'] = 'Invalid email address whilst checking against the StopForumSpam.com API.'; $l['stopforumspam_invalid_ip_address'] = 'Invalid IP address whilst checking against the StopForumSpam.com API.'; $l['sfs_error_username'] = 'username'; $l['sfs_error_ip'] = 'IP'; $l['sfs_error_email'] = 'email'; $l['sfs_error_or'] = 'or'; $l['expcol_collapse'] = '[-]'; $l['expcol_expand'] = '[+]'; $l['boardclosed_reason'] = 'These forums are currently closed for maintenance. Please check back later'; $l['use_default'] = "Use Default";