[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.37




/inc/languages/english/ -> index.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['boardstats'] = "Board Statistics";
   9  $l['new_posts'] = "Forum Contains New Posts";
  10  $l['no_new_posts'] = "Forum Contains No New Posts";
  11  $l['forum_closed'] = "Forum is Closed";
  12  $l['forum_unapproved_posts_count'] = "There are currently {1} unapproved posts in this forum.";
  13  $l['forum_unapproved_post_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved post in this forum.";
  14  $l['forum_unapproved_threads_count'] = "There is currently {1} unapproved threads in this forum.";
  15  $l['forum_unapproved_thread_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved thread in this forum.";
  16  $l['forumstats'] = "Forum Statistics";
  17  $l['todays_birthdays'] = "Today's Birthdays";
  18  $l['birthdayhidden'] = "Hidden";
  19  $l['quick_login'] = "Quick Login:";
  20  $l['index_logout'] = "Log Out";
  21  $l['private_messages'] = "Private Messages";
  22  $l['pms_new'] = "You have {1} new messages since your last visit.";
  23  $l['pms_unread_total'] = "(You have {1} unread messages and {2} total messages in all of your folders.)";
  24  $l['stats_posts_threads'] = "Our members have made a total of {1} posts in {2} threads.";
  25  $l['stats_numusers'] = "We currently have {1} members registered.";
  26  $l['stats_newestuser'] = "Please welcome our newest member, <b>{1}</b>";
  27  $l['stats_mostonline'] = "The most users online at one time was {1} on {2} at {3}";
  28  $l['whos_online'] = "Who's Online";
  29  $l['complete_list'] = "Complete List";
  30  $l['online_online_plural'] = "users";
  31  $l['online_online_singular'] = "user";
  32  $l['online_member_plural'] = "members";
  33  $l['online_member_singular'] = "member";
  34  $l['online_anon_plural'] = "are";
  35  $l['online_anon_singular'] = "is";
  36  $l['online_guest_plural'] = "guests";
  37  $l['online_guest_singular'] = "guest";
  38  $l['online_note'] = "{1} {2} active in the past {3} minutes ({4} {5}, {6} of whom {7} invisible, and {8} {9}).";
  39  $l['subforums'] = "Sub Forums:";
  40  $l['board_stats_link_separator'] = ' | ';

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