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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/languages/english/ -> misc.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['nav_helpdocs'] = "Help Documents";
   9  $l['nav_smilies'] = "Smilie Listing";
  10  $l['nav_syndication'] = "Latest Thread Syndication (RSS)";
  12  $l['buddy_list'] = "Buddy List";
  13  $l['online'] = "Online";
  14  $l['online_none'] = "<em>You have no online buddies</em>";
  15  $l['offline'] = "Offline";
  16  $l['offline_none'] = "<em>You have no offline buddies</em>";
  17  $l['delete_buddy'] = "X";
  18  $l['pm_buddy'] = "Send Private Message";
  19  $l['last_active'] = "<strong>Last Active:</strong> {1}";
  20  $l['close'] = "Close";
  21  $l['no_buddies'] = "<em>Your buddy list is currently empty. Use your User CP or visit a user profile to add users to your buddy list.</em>";
  23  $l['help_docs'] = "Help Documents";
  25  $l['search_help_documents'] = "Search Help Documents";
  26  $l['search_by_name'] = "Search by Name";
  27  $l['search_by_document'] = "Search by Document";
  28  $l['enter_keywords'] = "Enter Keywords";
  29  $l['search'] = "Search";
  30  $l['redirect_searchresults'] = "Thank you, your search has been submitted and you will now be taken to the results list.";
  31  $l['search_results'] = "Search Results";
  32  $l['help_doc_results'] = "Help Document Results";
  33  $l['document'] = "Document";
  34  $l['error_nosearchresults'] = "Sorry, but no results were returned using the query information you provided. Please redefine your search terms and try again.";
  35  $l['no_help_results'] = "Sorry, but no results were returned using the query information you provided.";
  36  $l['error_helpsearchdisabled'] = "The ability to search the help documents has been disabled by the Administrator.";
  38  $l['smilies_listing'] = "Smilies Listing";
  39  $l['name'] = "Name";
  40  $l['abbreviation'] = "Abbreviation";
  41  $l['click_to_add'] = "Click a smilie to insert it into your message";
  42  $l['close_window'] = "close window";
  43  $l['no_smilies'] = "There are currently no smilies available.";
  45  $l['who_posted'] = "Who Posted?";
  46  $l['total_posts'] = "Total Posts:";
  47  $l['user'] = "User";
  48  $l['num_posts'] = "# Posts";
  50  $l['forum_rules'] = "{1} - Rules";
  52  $l['error_invalid_limit'] = "The feed item limit you entered is invalid. Please specify a valid limit.";
  54  $l['syndication'] = "Latest Thread Syndication";
  55  $l['syndication_generated_url'] = "Your Generated Syndication URL:";
  56  $l['syndication_note'] = "Below you can generate links to specific RSS syndication feeds. Links can be generated for all forums, per forum, or for a specific number of forums. You will then be presented with a link which you can copy in to an RSS reader. <i><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">What is RSS?</a></i>";
  57  $l['syndication_forum'] = "Forum to Syndicate:";
  58  $l['syndication_forum_desc'] = "Please select a forum from the right. Use the CTRL key to select multiple forums.";
  59  $l['syndication_version'] = "Feed Version:";
  60  $l['syndication_version_desc'] = "Please select the version of the feeds you wish to generate.";
  61  $l['syndication_version_json1'] = "JSON Feed 1";
  62  $l['syndication_version_atom1'] = "Atom 1.0";
  63  $l['syndication_version_rss2'] = "RSS 2.00 (Default)";
  64  $l['syndication_generate'] = "Generate Syndication URL";
  65  $l['syndication_limit'] = "Limit:";
  66  $l['syndication_limit_desc'] = "The amount of threads to download at one time. 50 at once is maximum limit.";
  67  $l['syndication_threads_time'] = "threads at a time";
  68  $l['syndicate_all_forums'] = "Syndicate All Forums";
  70  $l['redirect_markforumread'] = "The selected forum has been marked as read.";
  71  $l['redirect_markforumsread'] = "All the forums have been marked as read.";
  72  $l['redirect_forumpasscleared'] = "The stored password for this forum has been cleared.";
  73  $l['redirect_cookiescleared'] = "All cookies have been cleared.";
  75  $l['error_invalidforum'] = "Invalid forum";
  76  $l['error_invalidhelpdoc'] = "The specified help document does not appear to exist.";
  77  $l['error_invalidsearch'] = "An invalid search was specified.  Please go back and try again.";
  78  $l['error_no_search_support'] = "This database engine does not support searching.";
  79  $l['error_searchflooding'] = "Sorry, but you can only perform one search every {1} seconds. Please wait another {2} seconds before attempting to search again.";
  80  $l['error_searchflooding_1'] = "Sorry, but you can only perform one search every {1} seconds. Please wait another 1 second before attempting to search again.";
  82  $l['dst_settings_updated'] = "Your daylight saving time settings have automatically been adjusted.<br /><br />You will now be taken back to the forum index.";

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