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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB 1.8.38




/inc/languages/english/ -> xmlhttp.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   */
   8  $l['no_new_subject'] = "You did not enter a new subject.";
   9  $l['post_moderation'] = "Your post is now under moderation.";
  10  $l['thread_moderation'] = "Your thread is now under moderation.";
  11  $l['post_doesnt_exist'] = "The specified post does not exist.";
  12  $l['thread_doesnt_exist'] = "The specified thread does not exist.";
  13  $l['thread_closed_edit_subjects'] = "This thread is closed and you may not edit subjects.";
  14  $l['no_permission_edit_subject'] = "You do not have permission to edit this thread subject.";
  15  $l['thread_closed_edit_message'] = "This thread is closed and you may not edit messages within it.";
  16  $l['no_permission_edit_post'] = "You do not have permission to edit this message.";
  17  $l['edit_time_limit'] = "You can only edit messages for {1} minutes after they were posted.";
  18  $l['postbit_edited'] = "This post was last modified: {1} by";
  19  $l['postbit_editreason'] = "Edit Reason";
  20  $l['save_changes'] = "Save Changes";
  21  $l['cancel_edit'] = "Cancel Edit";
  22  $l['answer_valid_not_exists'] = "The question you are trying to answer does not exist.";
  23  $l['captcha_not_exists'] = "The image verification image you are trying to refresh does not exist.";
  24  $l['captcha_valid_not_exists'] = "The image verification image you are trying to check does not seem to exist.";
  25  $l['captcha_does_not_match'] = "The image verification code that you entered was incorrect. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.";
  26  $l['captcha_matches'] = "The image verification code you entered was correct.";
  27  $l['answer_does_not_match'] = "The answer you entered is not correct.";
  28  $l['banned_username'] = "The username you entered has been disallowed by the administrator";
  29  $l['banned_characters_username'] = "Your username contains one or more invalid characters";
  30  $l['complex_password_fails'] = "Password requires an upper case letter, lower case letter and a number";
  31  $l['username_taken'] = "{1} is already registered by another member";
  32  $l['username_available'] = "{1} is available";
  33  $l['invalid_username'] = "{1} is not the username of a registered member";
  34  $l['valid_username'] = "{1} is a valid referrer.";
  35  $l['buddylist_error'] = "It seems like you do not have any buddies on your buddy list. Please add some before trying to use this.";
  36  $l['close'] = "Close";
  37  $l['select_buddies'] = "Select Buddies";
  38  $l['select_buddies_desc'] = "To add one or more of your buddies as recipients, select them below and click OK.";
  39  $l['selected_recipients'] = "Selected recipients";
  40  $l['ok'] = "OK";
  41  $l['cancel'] = "Cancel";
  42  $l['online'] = "Online";
  43  $l['offline'] = "Offline";
  44  $l['edited_post'] = "Edited Post";
  45  $l['usergroup'] = "Usergroup";

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