var MyBB = { init: function() { $(function() { MyBB.pageLoaded(); }); return true; }, pageLoaded: function() { expandables.init(); /* Create the Check All feature */ $('[name="allbox"]').each(function(key, value) { var allbox = this; var checked = $(this).is(':checked'); var checkboxes = $(this).closest('form').find(':checkbox').not('[name="allbox"]'); checkboxes.on('change', function() { if(checked && !$(this).prop('checked')) { checked = false; $(allbox).trigger('change', ['item']); } }); $(this).on('change', function(event, origin) { checked = $(this).is(':checked'); if(typeof(origin) == "undefined") { checkboxes.each(function() { if(checked != $(this).is(':checked')) { $(this).prop('checked', checked).trigger('change'); } }); } }); }); // Initialise "initial focus" field if we have one var initialfocus = $(".initial_focus"); if(initialfocus.length) { initialfocus.trigger('focus'); } if(typeof(use_xmlhttprequest) != "undefined" && use_xmlhttprequest == 1) { mark_read_imgs = $(".ajax_mark_read"); mark_read_imgs.each(function() { var element = $(this); if(element.hasClass('forum_off') || element.hasClass('forum_offclose') || element.hasClass('forum_offlink') || element.hasClass('subforum_minioff') || element.hasClass('subforum_minioffclose') || element.hasClass('subforum_miniofflink') || (element.attr("title") && element.attr("title") == lang.no_new_posts)) return; element.on('click', function() { MyBB.markForumRead(this); }); element.css("cursor", "pointer"); if(element.attr("title")) { element.attr("title", element.attr("title") + " - "); } element.attr("title", element.attr("title") + lang.click_mark_read); }); } if(typeof $.modal !== "undefined") { $(document).on($.modal.OPEN, function(event, modal) { $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); if(initialfocus.length > 0) { initialfocus.trigger('focus'); } }); $(document).on($.modal.CLOSE, function(event, modal) { $("body").css("overflow", "auto"); }); } $("a.referralLink").on('click', MyBB.showReferrals); if($('.author_avatar').length) { $(".author_avatar img").on('error', function () { $(this).unbind("error").closest('.author_avatar').remove(); }); } }, popupWindow: function(url, options, root) { if(!options) options = { fadeDuration: 250, zIndex: (typeof modal_zindex !== 'undefined' ? modal_zindex : 9999) } if(root != true) url = rootpath + url; $.get(url, function(html) { $(html).appendTo('body').modal(options); }); }, prompt: function(message, options) { var defaults = { fadeDuration: 250, zIndex: (typeof modal_zindex !== 'undefined' ? modal_zindex : 9999) }; var buttonsText = '', title = ''; for (var i in options.buttons) { buttonsText += templates.modal_button.replace('__title__', options.buttons[i].title); } // Support passing custom title if ($.isArray(message)) { title = message[0]; message = message[1]; } else { title = lang.confirm_title; } var html = templates.modal.replace('__buttons__', buttonsText).replace('__message__', message).replace('__title__', title); var modal = $(html); modal.modal($.extend(defaults, options)); var buttons = modal.find('.modal_buttons > .button'); buttons.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var index = $(this).index(); if (options.submit(e, options.buttons[index].value) == false) return; $.modal.close(); }); if (buttons[0]) { modal.on($.modal.OPEN, function() { $(buttons[0]).trigger('focus'); }); } return modal; }, deleteEvent: function(eid) { MyBB.prompt(deleteevent_confirm, { buttons:[ {title: yes_confirm, value: true}, {title: no_confirm, value: false} ], submit: function(e,v,m,f){ if(v == true) { var form = $("
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if(!element.length) { return false; } var fid = element.attr("id").replace("mark_read_", ""); if(!fid) { return false; } $.ajax( { url: 'misc.php?action=markread&fid=' + fid + '&ajax=1&my_post_key=' + my_post_key, async: true, success: function (request) { MyBB.forumMarkedRead(fid, request); } }); }, forumMarkedRead: function(fid, request) { if(request == 1) { var markreadfid = $("#mark_read_"+fid); if(markreadfid.hasClass('subforum_minion')) { markreadfid.removeClass('subforum_minion').addClass('subforum_minioff'); } else { markreadfid.removeClass('forum_on').addClass('forum_off'); } markreadfid.css("cursor", "default").attr("title", lang.no_new_posts); } }, unHTMLchars: function(text) { text = text.replace(/</g, "<"); text = text.replace(/>/g, ">"); text = text.replace(/ /g, " "); text = text.replace(/"/g, "\""); text = text.replace(/&/g, "&"); return text; }, HTMLchars: function(text) { text = text.replace(new RegExp("&(?!#[0-9]+;)", "g"), "&"); text = text.replace(//g, ">"); text = text.replace(/"/g, """); return text; }, changeLanguage: function() { form = $("#lang_select"); if(!form.length) { return false; } form.trigger('submit'); }, changeTheme: function() { form = $("#theme_select"); if(!form.length) { return false; } form.trigger('submit'); }, detectDSTChange: function(timezone_with_dst) { var date = new Date(); var local_offset = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; if(Math.abs(parseInt(timezone_with_dst) + local_offset) == 1) { $.ajax( { url: 'misc.php?action=dstswitch&ajax=1', async: true, method: 'post', error: function (request) { if(use_xmlhttprequest != 1) { var form = $("", { method: "post", action: "misc.php", style: "display: none;" }); form.append( $("", { name: "action", type: "hidden", value: "dstswitch" }) ); $("body").append(form); form.trigger('submit'); } } }); } }, dismissPMNotice: function(bburl) { var pm_notice = $("#pm_notice"); if(!pm_notice.length) { return false; } if(use_xmlhttprequest != 1) { return true; } $.ajax( { type: 'post', url: bburl + 'private.php?action=dismiss_notice', data: { ajax: 1, my_post_key: my_post_key }, async: true }); pm_notice.remove(); return false; }, submitReputation: function(uid, pid, del) { // Get form, serialize it and send it var datastring = $(".reputation_"+uid+"_"+pid).serialize(); if(del == 1) datastring = datastring + '&delete=1'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "reputation.php?modal=1", data: datastring, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { // Replace modal HTML (we have to access by class because the modals are appended to the end of the body, and when we get by class we get the last element of that class - which is what we want) $(".modal_"+uid+"_"+pid).fadeOut('slow', function() { $(".modal_"+uid+"_"+pid).html(data); $(".modal_"+uid+"_"+pid).fadeIn('slow'); $(".modal").fadeIn('slow'); }); }, error: function(){ alert(lang.unknown_error); } }); return false; }, deleteAnnouncement: function(data) { MyBB.prompt(announcement_quickdelete_confirm, { buttons:[ {title: yes_confirm, value: true}, {title: no_confirm, value: false} ], submit: function(e,v,m,f){ if(v == true) { window.location=data.href.replace('action=delete_announcement','action=do_delete_announcement'); } } }); return false; }, showReferrals: function(e) { var idPieces, uid; e.preventDefault(); if(typeof == "undefined") { return false; } idPieces ="_"); uid = parseInt(idPieces[idPieces.length - 1], 10); if(uid <= 0) { return false; } MyBB.popupWindow("/xmlhttp.php?action=get_referrals&uid="+uid); }, // Fixes select2: function() { if(typeof $.fn.select2 !== "undefined") { $.extend($.fn.select2.defaults, { formatMatches: function (matches) { if(matches == 1) { return lang.select2_match; } else { return lang.select2_matches.replace('{1}',matches); } }, formatNoMatches: function () { return lang.select2_nomatches; }, formatInputTooShort: function (input, min) { var n = min - input.length; if( n == 1) { return lang.select2_inputtooshort_single; } else { return lang.select2_inputtooshort_plural.replace('{1}', n); } }, formatInputTooLong: function (input, max) { var n = input.length - max; if( n == 1) { return lang.select2_inputtoolong_single; } else { return lang.select2_inputtoolong_plural.replace('{1}', n); } }, formatSelectionTooBig: function (limit) { if( limit == 1) { return lang.select2_selectiontoobig_single; } else { return lang.select2_selectiontoobig_plural.replace('{1}', limit); } }, formatLoadMore: function (pageNumber) { return lang.select2_loadmore; }, formatSearching: function () { return lang.select2_searching; } }); } } }; var Cookie = { get: function(name) { name = cookiePrefix + name; return Cookies.get(name); }, set: function(name, value, expires) { name = cookiePrefix + name; if(!expires) { expires = 315360000; // 10*365*24*60*60 => 10 years } expire = new Date(); expire.setTime(expire.getTime()+(expires*1000)); options = { expires: expire, path: cookiePath, domain: cookieDomain, secure: cookieSecureFlag == true, }; return Cookies.set(name, value, options); }, unset: function(name) { name = cookiePrefix + name; options = { path: cookiePath, domain: cookieDomain }; return Cookies.remove(name, options); } }; var expandables = { init: function() { var expanders = $(".expcolimage .expander"); if(expanders.length) { expanders.each(function() { var expander = $(this); if(!expander || expander.attr("id") == false) { return; } expander.on('click', function() { expandables.expandCollapse($(this)); }); expander.css("cursor", MyBB.browser == "ie" ? "hand" : "pointer"); }); } }, expandCollapse: function(element) { var controls = element.attr("id").replace("_img", ""), expandedItem = $("#"+controls+"_e"); if(expandedItem.length) { var expState = + !":hidden"), expcolImg = element.attr("src"), expText = [lang.expcol_collapse, lang.expcol_expand]; expandedItem.toggle("fast", this.expCallback(controls, expState)); element.attr({ "alt": expText[expState], "title": expText[expState], "src": expState ? expcolImg.replace('collapse.', 'collapse_collapsed.') : expcolImg.replace('collapse_collapsed.', 'collapse.') }) .parents(':eq(1)').toggleClass(element.parents(':eq(1)').hasClass('thead') ? 'thead_collapsed' : 'tcat_collapse_collapsed'); this.saveCollapsed(controls, expState); } return true; }, saveCollapsed: function(id, add) { var saved = []; var newCollapsed = []; var collapsed = Cookie.get('collapsed'); if(collapsed) { saved = collapsed.split("|"); $.each(saved, function(intIndex, objValue) { if(objValue != id && objValue != "") { newCollapsed[newCollapsed.length] = objValue; } }); } if(add == 1) { newCollapsed[newCollapsed.length] = id; } Cookie.set('collapsed', newCollapsed.join("|")); }, // Dummy callback function to override by theme developers expCallback: function(id, state) { //console.log("id:"+id+" state:"+state); } }; /* Lang this! */ var lang = { }; /* add keepelement to jquery-modal plugin */ (function($) { if(typeof $.modal != 'undefined') { $.modal.defaults.keepelement = false; $.modal.prototype.oldCloseFunction = $.modal.prototype.close; $.modal.prototype.close = function() { this.oldCloseFunction(); // Deletes the element (multi-modal feature: e.g. when you click on multiple report buttons, you will want to see different content for each) if(!this.options.keepelement) { this.$elm.remove(); } }; } })(jQuery); MyBB.init();